The Healing Power of Love

Call To Prayerย 

Title: The Healing Power of Love

By: Daniel Peter

Date: 15.11.2023


Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. โ€œI am willing,โ€ he said. โ€œBe clean!โ€ Immediately he was cleansed of his leprosy. Matthew 8:3 NIV


Reading through the miracles of Jesus, we can’t but notice the direct relationship between His compassion and the miracles He performed. This compassion, which flows from the river of love within His heart, made Him look past the religious people of His days and all the risks they pose to heal people, even on the Sabbath.

The apex of His miracles that highlighted His great love for the people was the healing of the leprous man (Matt. 1:40 -45, Luke 5:12-16). Leprosy is a disease that is contagious, and because of this, there are regulations in the Law Moses gave the children of Israel to separate those with leprosy from the community. Usually, you find these people at the outskirts of the society and the Israelites were not supposed to make physical contact with these ones. Despite his condition, the Bible recorded that Jesus Christ touched Him before healing him (Matt. 8:3). Now, that touch wasn’t necessary, and He could have waited until He healed him before touching him. That touch was Christ showing acceptance and love for one who has been rejected by the society because of his health condition. The touch healed the feeling of rejection in his heart as His word healed the physical signs of leprosy.

People remain in their sick state and even die not because of their health condition, but because of the lack of love of those around them. The invalid man at the pool of Bethesda remained in His condition for 38 years because he had no one to assist him into the pool when the angel came to stir the water (John 5:7). Whereas, the faith Jesus saw that made Him heal the paralyzed man that was brought into the house He was in through the ceiling, was the act propelled by love of his friends (Mark 2:3-5).

I experienced personally the healing power of love some years ago. I was sick and I was in the hospital for about three months with no evidence of improvement of my health condition. While in the hospital, I saw how each member of my family showed concern for me and made every effort to ensure I get well. I have always known they loved me, but I had never seen it manifested like they expressed when I was sick. The great love shown me encouraged my faith to believe in the healing available to me in Christ (1 Peter 2:24). I left the hospital in faith, and threw away the drugs I was given, and I have been walking in my healing since then.

The faith that produces healing works by love (Gal. 6:4).

Prayer Point:

Let’s thank God for His word today. Let’s ask Him to increase our capacity to love.ย 



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