Safeguarding His Peace

Call To Prayerย 

Title: Safeguarding His Peaceย 

By: Njuacha Hubertย 

Date: 18.11.2023ย 


Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.ย I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubledย and do not be afraid.ย  John 14:27ย 


In our opening verse Jesus says He gives us peace and then He says, โ€œDo not let your hearts be troubled โ€ฆ”. What this means is that we have a responsibility to safeguard the peace He gives. Jesus is the prince of peace (Isaiah 9:6). So, it is contradictory to be in Christ and not have peace. How then do we preserve our peace or reclaim it whenever we realize we are losing it. ย 

One of the things that tries to steal our peace are the worries of life; the uncertainties about tomorrow. But we are not to allow these worries steal our peace rather we ought to entrust them into the Lord’s hands in prayers, believing in His goodness and faithfulness. (1 Peter 5:7, Philippians 4:6-7).ย 

After the Lord looked with favor on Abel and His offering and didnโ€™t look with favor on Cain and Cain became angry, the Lord admonished Cain to repent of his thoughts (Genesis 4:3-7). These thoughts were thoughts of Jealousy and anger. But the Lord was encouraging him to have thoughts like humility to accept his own fault which he didnโ€™t yield to, and he ended up committing the first murder. Such thoughts also cross our minds even as believers because the enemy still speaks under the disguise of our thoughts (1 Peter 5:8). Just like Cain we become uneasy and are losing the peace of Christ. Our response is to focus on the words of God; love is patient, love is kind โ€ฆ (1 Corinthians 13:4-8), forgive and you will be forgiven (Matthew 6:14-15), celebrate with those who celebrate and weep with those who weep (Romans 12:15) etc. Thatโ€™s why it’s important to always read and remind self of the word of God. ย 

One last thing I would mention is sadness that tries to steal our peace because of sufferings but a powerful antidote is giving thanks to God. Just like with the Israelites in the wilderness, even in those difficult times God provides some manna, some Quail. These are comforters to help us survive the difficult season. But if we donโ€™t recognize them and give God thanks for them, then we donโ€™t experience the rejuvenating joy of Lord. Giving thanks for salvation, for health despite the financial difficulty etc. ย 

We are in battle, but the Lord has equipped us with the word and prayer to help us fight. We ought to protect our peace in Christ and fight from a position of rest in Christ (John 16:33).


Prayer Point:ย 

Letโ€™s thank God for the word. We pray for the grace to safeguard the peace of Christ through power of the word.ย 


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