The Importance of spiritual Sight

Call To Prayer

Title: The Importance of Spiritual Sight

By: Daniel Peter

Date: 21.11.2023


In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.ย  Acts. 2:17 NIV


According to the Oxford Languages Dictionary, sight is the faculty or power of seeing. Therefore, spiritual sight is the faculty or power to see spiritually. The importance of this ability cannot be over-emphasized, as with this ability we are able to tell what is behind a manifestation we see in the natural. The Bible said, “Where there is no vision, the people perish (Prov. 29:18)”.

At the birth of Moses, there was a decree that went forth from Pharaoh for babies born around that period to be killed (Exo. 1:15-22). A similar situation happened in the days of Jesus Christ, where thousands of babies were killed in an attempt to kill Jesus Christ (Matt. 2:16). In both cases, the deaths were seen as simply the results of decrees from natural kings who were scared of losing their position, but spiritually, there was more happening. In Revelation 12: 1-6, we see that a child, who is similar to Moses and Jesus Christ, was born by a woman. It was recorded how the devil, the old dragon, moved swiftly to kill the child as soon as it was born (Rev. 12:4). This time, the entity that was working behind the scenes to see the death of the child was seen. It was the devil, and he was the one who influenced Pharaoh and Herod to make decisions that led to the killing of millions of babies in their days.

What manifests in the natural is just the evidence of what is happening in the spirit. If we can see into the spirit realm, we can stop, by prayer, the negative things that the enemy is planning. The deaths of children that happened in the days of Moses and Jesus Christ could have been avoided if men saw into the spirit realm and prayed against the devil’s influence. How great was the destruction in their days because there was no vision? So great. Now, apart from what the devil is doing, seeing into the spirit realm also helps us to know what God is doing at a particular time. Having this knowledge would help us to pray for their manifestation. With vision, we can access the knowledge and wisdom that will give us the understanding of what we are supposed to do.

Having good vision is like having a light bulb in a room at night turned on, everything becomes visible. Only with good sight can we build our lives in accordance with God’s pattern for us in heaven. Our spiritual eyes are activated to see when we ask Him to open our eyes to see His glory.

Prayer Pointย 

Let’s thank God for His word today. Let’s ask Him to open our eyes to see Hisย glory.ย 


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