Relationship with God

Call to Prayer

Title: Relationship with God

By: Daniel Peter

Date: 27.03.2024


He replied to him, โ€œWho is my mother, and who are my brothers?โ€Pointing to his disciples, he said, โ€œHere are my mother and my brothers. For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.โ€
Matthew 12:48-50 KJV


The word “relationship” speaks of how one or two things or people are connected. Despite we have been saved by God, He still desires that we have a relationship with Him.

Having a relationship with God goes beyond just spending time reading the word and praying, we are in a relationship with God when we are those who practice the word. This was inferred when Jesus Christ was told that his mother and brothers (people He had a natural relationship with) were looking for Him, and He responded by saying “… whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother (Matt. 12:50 NIV)”.

Therefore, to be in a relationship with God, we must be committed to seeking out God’s will and doing it. The will of God is revealed via the written word and the spoken word. Though the entire Bible reveals Jesus Christ, the New Covenant is what He has given to the Church. So gaining understanding of the New Covenant and practising its dictate is important in growing in our relationship with God.

Some hindrances to us having relationship with God are religious spirit and fear. A religious spirit tries to make us do more than is required of us. For example, this spirit moved the Jews to adopt the traditions of their fathers, which they taught as God’s word (Mark 7:8). The evil of this spirit is that it makes our walk with God a struggle, for God does not offer help in what He did not instruct. The Spirit of Fear complements the religious spirit because it makes you feel God would judge you if you do not practice what the religious spirit teaches. Deliverance from the spirit of religion and fear comes when we decide to follow God based on the dictate of His word (the New Covenant).

As we spend time listening to and practising God’s word, we are approving ourselves as those in relationship with Jesus.

Prayer Point

Let’s thank God for His word today. Let’s ask Him to help every believer to be a practitioners of God’s word.


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