Why You Should Forgive

Call To Prayer

Topic: Why You Should Forgive

By:ย Daniel Peter

Date: 16.04.2024


Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.
Ephesians 4:32


Yesterday, I wrote about the power of forgiveness, where I revealed that the power of forgiveness is the power of the cross. Today, I am going to write about why we should forgive.

When Jesus Christ taught the disciples the Lord’s prayer, among the things he said was ” And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us (Matt. 6: 12)”. Though by His death and resurrection our past, present and future sins have been forgiven, when we choose not to forgive, we cannot access the full benefits of our redemption. For example, part of the benefits of our redemption is that God always hears us when we pray, but Apostle Peter revealed that prayers can be hindered when there’s misunderstanding,(offence) among couples (1 Peter 3: 7). So when we forgive, our prayers and sacrifices come up to God as a sweet smelling savour.

Also, forgiveness frees you. To explain this, I will share a story. They were two people who where in a relationship that ended drastically. The lady was offended and harbored anger for many years towards the boy. Though the boy had moved on, the lady was still single and became sick in her body. However, the boy got a wind that the lady was still bitter towards him because of unforgiveness, so he approached their pastor to help settle the issue. While they were in their pastor’s office, they lady was encouraged to forgive the boy. As she did, she fell under the anointing without being prayed for and she was healed of her sickness. After this experience, it become evident that the reason she was sick was because she had been bitter towards him. So forgiveness frees you.

Another reason why forgiveness is important is because it gives space for God to intervene. The Lord said “vengeance is mine (Rom. 12:19)”, but the Lord would not act when we are still offended. This truth was made evident in a story told by a man of God, who was offended because of the wrong done to him. In the process of time, the Lord told him that he can’t act to bring justice if he is still offended. Forgiving someone doesn’t mean they won’t be judged by God.

Prayer Point.

Let’s thank God for His word today. Let’s ask Him to help us forgive as He has forgiven us.


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