The Narrow Way


By: Stephen Osei Kuffour

Date: 21.04.2024

Title: The Narrow Way


Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.

(Matthew 7:13-14 NKJV)


In Germany we have the Motorway called โ€œAutobahnโ€ which is wide and has about four lanes in each direction. We also have the country road called โ€œLandstrasseโ€ which is narrow and mostly has a lane in each direction. Everyone loves to drive on the Motorway because you can drive faster and reach your destination early.

Unlike many countries, there is even a special road sign on the German motorway that signifies โ€œNo Speed Limitโ€. The country road on the other hand is not often used. There are always few cars on it. The only time you will find a lot of people using the country road is when there is traffic jam on the Motorway which is often the case.

In the same way, the road to hell and eternal damnation is very wide. Sadly, there are so many people on this road heading to hell. The gates of hell are also wide, and hell has opened its mouth wide to swallow these lost souls (Is 5:14). This is because there are so many pleasurable things in this world. These worldly pleasures, although temporal, could be very enticing.

The evil one has also blinded and deceived these people in such a way that they think these pleasures will last forever and so they give their whole life to them. They keep searching for different pleasures but are not satisfied. By the time they realize, itโ€™s too late and their time on earth is up. They die and are condemned to hell for not having relationship with our Lord and savior Jesus Christ (Jn 3:19).

Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life. He is the only way to eternal life (Jn 14:6). God, out of love for us has sent his only begotten son as a ransom for our sins that anyone who places his/her Faith in Jesus Christ will receive eternal life (Jn 3.16). Glory be to His name! As nice and simple as this may sound, only few people find this truth; only few people believe in Jesus Christ as their savior. I canโ€™t stand here and say that the Christian life is easy. It is difficult and the word of God even confirms it in the above Scripture.

The Christian life is full of trials, self-denials, temptations, and constant fights with the devil. This can sometimes be painful and unbearable to the extent that you would want to give in or give up along the way; some actually give up. For example, one may offend you and an easier way would be to retaliate and pay him/her back. However, as a Christian you would have to endure the pain and forgive. The Christian life may be difficult, but these sufferings cannot be compared to the greater rewards that awaits.

Beloved in the Lord, the road to hell and eternal damnation is very wide but the road to eternal life is very narrow. Letโ€™s therefore strive to follow the narrow path and enter the narrow gate by forsaking all worldly pleasures and accepting Jesus Christ as our Lord and savior and remaining faithful to the end. It may be difficult but donโ€™t give up! The Glory that awaits far outweighs the sufferings of today.

Prayer Point:

Letโ€™s thank God for His Word today. Letโ€™s ask the Lord to help many people in the world to find and walk on the narrow way to the very end.

God bless you all.



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