Bearing fruits

Call To Prayer

Title: Bearing fruits

By: Wale Lasisi

Date: 02.05.2024


Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit.( John 12:24 KJV)


The goodnews of our Lord Jesus has been shared from ages past through person to person. Men and women have carried the message to others so they can receive the divine life and be saved. Some have gone on dangerous journeys to places they were not welcomed. Some have died of sicknesses in strange lands and some have been killed for the cause of the gospel. These sacrifices that these men and women made are what we are enjoying today as believers.

However, the world is changing and it is becoming intolerant to the preaching of the word of God in our days. The strategy of the dissemination of the goodnews remains the same: โ€œgo ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creatureโ€ (Mark 16:15). This is a command from the Lord and whether it is done by one to one evangelism, crusades, seminars, through mainstream media, social media or any other means, we cannot stop preaching because of the hostile environment we have found ourselves.

There is a harvest God is expecting to reap and He is counting on us like He counted on the saints of old who went all the way and brought us in as harvest for the master. Complacency must not be allowed to set in and preaching of salvation must be top on our list as we deliberately look for lost souls and share with them the love of God and how He is willing to save them and bring them home.

There is a light that we have come to shine and this light must dispel darkness away from the lives of men and women. So, have you shared the gospel with someone today?


Prayer point:
Letโ€™s thank God for His word today. Let us ask Him grace and boldness to preach the world to every creature.


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