Sacrifice Something


By: Stephen Osei Kuffour

Date: 12.05.2024

Title: Sacrifice Something


Then God said, โ€œTake your son, your only son, whom you loveโ€”Isaacโ€”and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on a mountain I will show you.โ€

(Genesis 22:2 NIV)


Abraham and Sarah had to wait for about 25 years to receive the son that the Lord promised (Gen 21:1-7). After waiting for such a long time for this promise, the Lord came to test Abrahamโ€™s Faith by asking him to offer his son as sacrifice. This was a tough test for Abraham, but he chose to obey the Lord and was ready to sacrifice his son until the Lord asked him to stop. This act of Abraham pleased the Lord that He promised to bless him the more (Gen 22).

To sacrifice is to give up something valued for the sake of other considerations. Although Abrahamโ€™s case was just a test, in general, the Lord requires some form of sacrifice from all Believers. My question for you today is that what does the Lord require from you? How far are you willing to go to obey and please the Lord? What the Lord requires from us may be different for each Christian.

However, in general, the Lord wants us to give up worldly pleasures and sacrifice what we have like money, time, family, friends, etc. to become His true disciples (Matt 16:24-26). Letโ€™s give to the poor and towards the Kingdomโ€™s work to ensure the spread of the Gospel. Letโ€™s also use our time to do the Lordโ€™s Will and help fulfill His Will on earth. Most importantly, the Lord expects us offer our whole body, not part of it, to Him as a living sacrifice (Rom 12:1-2).

It is very sad that the traditionalists and ritualists even understand what it means to sacrifice something much better than some Christians. Although these ritualists mostly commit evil and barbaric acts but the extent they are willing to go to achieve what they want is what sacrifice is about. When King Mesha of Moab saw that he was losing the battle against Israel, He sacrificed his own son who was an heir to his throne. This sacrifice brought a great wrath against Israel that their allies withdrew from the battle (2 Kgs 3:27).

Beloved in the Lord, there is no good thing which is achieved without sacrifice. Letโ€™s therefore give up all worldly pleasures and use our time and money to do the Kingdomโ€™s work. The sacrifice will be painful now, but when we stand before the Lord, we will realize it was worth it.

Prayer Point:

Letโ€™s thank God for His Word today. Letโ€™s ask the Lord to help all Believers to sacrifice for the Kingdomโ€™s work.

God bless youย  all!


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