Persevering in Faith

Call to Prayer

Topic: Persevering in Faith

By: Daniel Peter

Date: 21.05.2024


That ye be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promisesย Hebrew 6:12 KJV


God has a pattern;ย beforeย He does anything, He announces it.ย The scriptureย saysย Surely the Lord GOD does nothing Unless He reveals His secret to His servants theย prophets (Amos 3:7)”.ย The reason God does this isย so that we can expect the fulfilment of His word and endure in the season of trials.

Though God is faithful, not everyone obtains the promise of God.ย In His words to Eli, we saw how the Lord decided to remove his family from the priesthood, despiteย He had promised through his wordย to Aaron that they would always have a priest (1 Sam. 2: 30 -34).ย Therefore, the family of Eli are an example of those who did not obtain promises.

The writer of Hebrew gave the requirement to obtain promises when he saidย That ye be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises (Heb. 6:12)”. Thisย meansย that,ย faith and patience is how we obtain promises. Faith involves believing in your heart that God would do what Heย promised,ย and sayingย that whichย you believe. Apostle Paul said,ย โ€œI believed, therefore I have spoken (2 Cor. 4:13)”.ย This belief also produces actionsย whichย areย called acts of faith;ย theย faith in Him empowers us to obey His instructions andย toย take steps that would lead to the Fulfilment of His promises (see Matt 9:2, James 2:21-22).

As revealed above, patience is also required to obtain promises. The word patienceย asย used in Hebrewย 6:12ย is from the Greek wordย “makrothumia”,ย which means longsuffering. Therefore, patienceย doesn’tย just mean waiting but waiting underย difficultย circumstances. For example, Josephย didn’tย just wait forย God’sย promises toย be fulfilled, but he endured being a slave and a prisoner before God’sย wordย was fulfilled in his life.

Believingย God’sย word the moment itย is spokenย is not all you need to obtain the promises, but that faith must be alive even in times of difficulty. Many stop believing in the time of testing. However, as we remind ourselves ofย God’sย promises and meditate on them, we will find grace for our faith toย be strengthenedย inย timeย ofย trials.

Prayer Point:

Let’sย thank God for His word today.ย Let’sย ask God to help us have the faith and patienceย we needย to obtain the promises of scripture and His specific words to us.


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