The Activities of the Wise

Call to Prayerย 

Title: The Activities of the Wiseย 

By: Daniel Peter

Date: 28.05.2024


Five of them were foolish and five were wise.ย Matt. 25:2 NIV


We have come to the end of the ages, and the need for discernment,ย which isย a fruit of wisdom, can never beย overemphasized. The fact that the line between what is true and what is almost true has never beenย thinner,ย calls for caution. As wise people, there are things we should be engagedย in,ย that would cause our discernmentย to always beย sharp.ย 

When Jesus was speaking about the ten virgins (Matthew 25), After mentioning how the five wise ones had oil in their lamp and the foolish onesย didn’t, He concluded byย sayingย โ€œTherefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour (Matt. 25:13)”.ย This means, what the five wise virgins did right was that they kept watch. Again, shortly before His crucifixion, when rebuking the disciples for not praying, Heย mentionedย “Couldnโ€™tย you keep watch for one hour? (Mark 14:37)”.ย Whichย means,ย we keep watch by praying. Therefore, what the five wise virgins did right was that they prayed. As wise people, one of the activities we should be engaged in is prayer.

Furthermore, when Apostle Paul was admonishing the Ephesians Church, Heย saidย ย “Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is (Eph. 5:17)”,ย whichย infers that the wise seek to understand.ย Therefore, another activity the wise partake in is acquiring the knowledge of wisdom so we can understand His mind. We do this by meditating onย the Scriptures, listening to Him, and observing the natural to discern the spiritual.ย 

As weย engage in praying and seeking to understand the will of God, we will gain the wisdom that will help us discernย what is good andย evil,ย andย recogniseย the time of His coming.ย 

Prayer Point:

Let’sย thank God for His word today,ย let’s ask Him to help us live as the wise and not as fools.



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