The perilous times

Call to Prayer

Title: The Perilous Times

By: Simon Maina Nuhu

Date: 31.05.2024


This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy” (2 TIMOTHY 3:1-2)


The perilous times also referred to by the Scripture as the end time, is characterized by a high level of moral decadence, irregularities and wild corruption in the world. The scriptures make it clear through prophecies and as we all know, the word of God will not pass away until it fulfils its purpose. The reason why God warns us is so that we donยดt get scared or draw cold feet by compromising our faith, however, that we should be cautious in our Christian journey. These times indicate a clear manifestation of the Devil and his sons by exhibiting unrighteous attitudes that displease God.

In the world today, criminal gangs of rapists, ritual killers, bandits, robbers, kidnappers, etc., make daily news headlines because we are in the perilous times the Bible talks about. The majority of the world population today has rejected the gospel of Christ by embracing worldly virtues which are abominations before God. They hate the Holy Bible for its righteous reproof of their evil ways. They are proud, covetous, rebellious to parents, and without pure love; but they love themselves and their sinful pleasures.

Unfortunately, some who confess faith in Christ only have an outward show of godliness. They deny the power of God to make them holy (2 Timothy 3:1-7). As true children of God, we must avoid compromise especially when it comes to upholding the undiluted standard of God, because that is the mandate we pledged to execute through obedience to Him. He expects us to show the world the pattern of godliness, holiness, and genuine worship. The Devil is working overtime to destroy many souls, however, we should not be weary in this season.

Prayer point:

Let’s thank God for the message today. Let’s ask Him to help us serve Him even amid unrighteousness.


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