The Lord’s Workmanship

Call To Prayer

Title: The Lord’s workmanship

By: Wale Lasisi

Date: 06.06.2024


Know ye that the Lord he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture. Psalm 100:3 KJV


Recently, I began reflecting on existence and the reason for things. Why things are the way they are and the consequences if they were not. I also looked at the existence of man and how complex we were made by God. Every motor engine needs to be serviced after some time to keep it healthy by replacing the contaminated oil, blocked filters and associated components. What if we were to be taking our bodies for servicing from the time we are born, only a little fraction would be alive among us. Rather, the great and mighty one keeps renewing our body system with food, water, bodily exercise and sleep. These pondering did not even take into account our soul and spirit, how they function and are interrelated.

There is a need to appreciate God for the things we overlook like our heart that has been pumping nonstop, our lungs that have been taking in oxygen, the kidneys and the liver that have been doing waste management without taking any rest to mention a few. God the designer perfected work in man and that was why David by the Spirit concluded that they were fearfully and wonderfully made(Ps 139:14).

Appreciation should not end with a two-minute morning prayer that was said when we woke up. We need to develop conversations with the Lord around the happenings in our lives as we journey through the day. There are many interventions that the Lord makes to keep and protect us that we do not even know about. That is where sincere gratitude should come from. David lived with this consciousness and today we wonder how he was able to sing those long number of psalms. He wasn’t just singing, he was expressing his heart in conversation with the Lord as his day went by.

Lack of appreciation and thanksgiving erodes the value of things but it multiplies with thankfulness(Mark 6:41). Everything around our life that we sincerely appreciate and bless God for will increase. We all need to stop from time to time to think of the Lord’s work in our lives so we can glorify Him continually.


Prayer point:
Let us thank God for His word today. Let us thank Him for the gift of life and ask for a heart of thanksgiving at all times.


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