Be Content

Call to Prayer

Title: Be Content

By: Daniel Peter

Date: 03.07.2024


Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, โ€œNever will I leave you; never will I forsake you.โ€ย  (Hebrews 13:5)


Yesterday, as I walked down to my house, it came to my heart that despite not having all I desire, I actually do not lack anything. The desires I have are simply because of what He promised that hasn’t yet manifested. My supposed discontent with the present is because of what He has told me about my future. This is the case for many in the body of Christ.

The expectation created by vision can create a heart of discontent when it seems deferred. One of the things we need to do to overcome this feeling is to properly consider His faithfulness in our lives in the present. For example, Joseph had a dream of being a ruler. Despite this, he found himself as a slave and later a prisoner in Egypt. This seems to be a contradiction, one that could result in discontent.

However, even as a slave, the scriptures recorded that God made him prosper so much that his master entrusted all things to him (Genesis 39:2-6). As a prisoner, the scriptures mentioned how God was with him and granted him favor before the prison warder, who placed him in charge of the cell (see Genesis 39:20-22). Like Joseph, God has been faithful to you even in your low moments. You will see this only if you consider it.

Irrespective of what we are experiencing in the natural, God has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in Christ (Ephesians 1:3). How many times do we consider what we have been given in Christ and thank Him for them? Doing this will fill your heart with appreciation for God.
A man’s life does not consist of an abundance of possessions (Luke 12:15). Be content with what you have now and where you are now in life. Be thankful, for He has been faithful to you.

Prayer Point:

Let’s thank Him for His word today. Let’s ask Him to help us see Him in our situation and grant us the grace to be thankful at all times.


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