The Power In You


Title: The Power In You

By: Stephen Osei Kuffour

Date: 07.07.2024


Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.ย  (James 5:16 NKJV)


I chanced on a video in which some people were asked the question, โ€œIf you are given all the power in this world for one day, what would you do with it?โ€. All of them gave many different and interesting answers. Some said they would use it to acquire wealth and enrich themselves, some also said they would use it to stop all ongoing wars, others said they would use it to end hunger and poverty in the world, and many other interesting answers.

As I watched the video, a thought came into my mind that some of these people might be Christians, but do they know that they already carry great amount of power in them? God our Father is All-Powerful; all power belongs to Him. When we come to Christ, the Spirit of God who is God Himself comes to live inside us (Rom 8:9, 1 Cor 6:19). The presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives brings power (Acts 1:8). The question is, are we even aware of the great power we possess, and do we even know how to use it to impact the world?

One way to use the power in us to cause change in this world is through prayer. The Bible says that Elijah was a man like you and me, and he prayed that it shouldnโ€™t rain and there was no rain. He later prayed again for rain and there was rain (Js 5:17-18). We have seen many men and women of old like Abraham, Moses, Daniel, David, Hannah, Jabez, etc. use prayers to change the affairs of their family and nation (Gen 18, Ex 32:30-33, Ps 55:17, Dan 6, 1 Sam 1, 1 Chr 4).

We can also go on our knees and use the power within us to cause the Will of God to be done in our lives, in our families, in our nations and the world as a whole. It is very sad that most Believers allow the great power they carry to just go to waste. Most Believers donโ€™t pray and some only pray when they are in trouble or when they need the help of God. We have sat down idle for our nations to crumble while we had the power to save them. It is time for Believers to rise and use the power of prayer to impact the world.

Beloved in the Lord, we have received great power through the presence of the Holy Spirit who is God Himself living inside us. One way we can use this power to bring change to the world is through prayer. Letโ€™s therefore develop the habit of praying and interceding regularly knowing that the effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.

Prayer Point:

Letโ€™s thank God for His Word today. Letโ€™s ask God to give all Believers the hunger and love to pray and intercede for their friends, family, nations, and the world as a whole.

God bless you all!



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