There is time 

Call To Prayer 

Title: There Is Time 

By: Njuacha Hubert 

Date: 12.07.2024 


“In vain you rise early and stay up late, toiling for food to eat— for he grants sleep to[a] those he loves.”  ( [a]  for while they sleep he provides for ) Psalm 127: 2 


Nowadays, many of us are so-called busy. We claim we don’t have time to serve God. There doesn’t seem to be time for anything other than what brings money to our pockets or our gain.  A question to pose is: is this busyness really needed or is it just manmade? Do you really need to work extra to earn more to spend more? Haven’t we become slaves to money? I submit to you today that there is time to serve God.  

The bible says there is a time and a season for everything under heaven (Ecclesiastes 3). This means there is time to work for your immediate gain and time to work for God. There is a saying that “we make time for what is important to us”. That means sometimes what we claim as “no time to serve God” is actually a disguised lack of love for God by under-prioritization of His work. By organizing ourselves, we are well able to set time for our work as well as serve God. 

Since we can’t see God, we can only serve God through serving our neighbours whom we see(1 John 4:20); That’s Jesus’s commandment to us: Love one another as I have loved you (John 13:34-35). Serving God is not limited to serving in a ministry in your local church. It can also take the form of participating in community service or any other service without the desire of pay. It can be doing the chores at home that all your siblings avoid or making time to play with your toddler. Although we know that no work done for God is without reward, we usually don’t know exactly when that reward will come. It might be tomorrow, 10 years later or in heaven. So sometimes we just need to focus on serving God for the simple fact that He has loved us or for love’s sake. There is a joy that can only come from service (Acts 20:35).  

Finally, let me share a short testimony, I know of someone who as a student spent his Saturdays serving in a ministry at a time when there was a temptation to seek extra work for extra money. When he graduated and got a job, the job was so easy and flexible that while some may be very busy working very hard to earn, he had extra time to continue serving without stress as well as earn well. “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” (Mathew 6: 33).  


Prayer Point: 

Let’s thank God for the word today. Let’s pray for the grace to see God in our services. 


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