The Just Shall Live By Faith – Part 2


Title: The Just Shall Live By Faith – Part 2

By: Stephen Osei Kuffour

Date: 04.08.2024


Behold the proud, his soul is not upright in him; but the just shall live by his faith. (Habakkuk 2:4 NKJV)


In last week’s Call to Prayer, I began sharing on the topic titled, “The Just Shall Live By Faith”. We learnt that there are various ways people live or lead their lives. Based on worldly standards, people live their lives on money, pleasure, and their thoughts and feelings. However, as Believers, we don’t have to live our lives based on the above-mentioned things.

However, we live by Faith. What does it mean to live by Faith? It means living your life based on your Beliefs, not your thoughts or emotions. When we were in the world, our lives were guided by worldly standards and principles. However, there is a new way of life after being Born Again and that life is lived based on Faith (Gal 2:20). Today, I would like to elaborate more on what it means to live by Faith.

To live by Faith is to live your life based on the word of God. As Christians, we have to decide to always live our lives in obedience to God and His word (spoken or written). We do what the word of God says and refrain from what the word of God disapproves (Js 1:21-22). Let’s therefore be committed to growing our knowledge of the word and becoming doers of it. Don’t let people or circumstances change what you believe. For example, everyone may be drinking, partying, having different sexual partners, practicing corruption, lying, etc., but a man or woman of Faith will hold on to his/her Beliefs.

Also, to live by Faith is to Live by the leading of the Holy Spirit. In the Old Testament, the High Priests were given the two stones, URIN and THUMMIM to help them know the Will and Judgement of God in every situation (Ex 28:30). As New Testament Believers, we don’t need these stones because we have the Spirit of God living in us (1 Cor 3:16, Jn 16:12). Let’s therefore be conscious of the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Let’s also be sensitive to the leadings of the Holy Spirit and act swiftly on His convictions and promptings (Rom 8:14).

Beloved in the Lord, there are so many things that the people in the world base their lives on. However, as Christians, we live our lives by Faith in the Lord and His word and by the leadings of the Holy Spirit. The Just shall live by Faith!

Prayer Point:

Let’s thank God for His Word today. Let’s ask the Lord to help all Believers to live by our Faith in the word and by the leadings of the Holy Spirit.

God bless you all!

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