Ungodly Postures

Call To Prayer

Title: Ungodly Postures

By: Wale Lasisi

Date: 29.08.2024


Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. (Psalm 1:1 KJV)


The discovery of God is what every genuine believer will keep finding out as we take each step in our walk with Him. He reveals the path to take as the shepherd and the ones to avoid so our journey with him can be profitable.

The Patriarch David in the opening scriptures of the Psalms made some discovery and decided to share so we can be guided in our walk with God. In his findings, he saw three major postures that a child of God should avoid; not walking in the counsel of the ungodly, not standing in the way of sinners and not seating in the seat of the scornful (Ps 1:1).

The counsel of the ungodly refers to worldly advice, wisdom nuggets, counsels that revolve only around trends or logic with no Godly root. In the book โ€œ48 laws of powerโ€ by Robert Greene, one of the laws states that you should crush you enemy totally. This is against the commandments of God for His children (Matt. 5:44) and such a man or woman will stray far from the presence of God if they continue with such counsels.

The way of sinners equally refers to the enticements that the world brings and it looks normal in the world but enmity with God. That was why the scriptures admonish us not to consent to the enticement of sinners (Pro. 1:10). Unscrupulous business practice is bad but sinners will make you feel it is foolishness if you don’t take such opportunities. Bribery and greediness are detestable before the Lord but a sinner sees no issue with it. An example of standing in the way of sinners is when they tell you to make sure to get a woman pregnant through fornication before marrying her just to be sure she is fruitful. This is abominable before God and doing this defiles the temple of the Holy ghost.

Another posture not to take is assuming a position of know it all and out of pride mock or ridicule others. The dignity of those people is important to their maker. When others are going through their low ends in life, we are not permitted to scorn or talk them down. We should be careful not to lend our voices to trending rhetorics that scorns another because we believe everyone else is doing it.

Finally, we are encouraged to meditate on the word of the Lord day and night (Ps 1:2). By doing so, we are assured of flourishing, protection against losses and prosperity in all areas of our lives(Ps 1:3).


Prayer point:

Let us thank God for His word today. Let us pray for grace to walk obediently with Him and not stray away.


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