Work Out Your Salvation

Call to Prayer

Title: Work Out Your Salvation

By: Daniel Peter

Date: 17.09.2024
Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyedโ€”not only in my presence, but now much more in my absenceโ€”continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling (Philippians 2:12, NIV).
When speaking on the need for us to rest on what Jesus Christ has done for us at the cross and not our works, one question that usually comes up is, “What about the instruction for us to work out our salvation with fear and trembling (Phil. 2:12, NIV)?” Today, I am going to address this.
Now, man is spirit, soul, and body (1 Thess. 5:23). The moment we gave our lives to Christ, our spirit is saved (Rom. 10:10). However, our soul is continually being saved as we renew our mind with the Word (James 1:21-22 ), and our bodies will be saved when they are clothed with immortality at the coming of Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 15:53-54). Therefore, our spirit is saved, our soul is being saved, and our bodies will be saved.
When Apostle Paul instructed the Philippians to “work out their salvation,” he did not mean that they should “work for their salvation” but “work out” that which has been worked in their spirit. This speaks of manifesting that which has been perfected in their spirit, to make it reflective in their soul and body. This entire process is by faith, for the righteousness of God (that we have received as a gift) is revealed (or manifested) from faith to faith (see Romans 1:17).
To understand what Apostle Paul meant when he said “with fear and trembling,” let’s consider what he said to the Romans about what attitude they should have concerning Israel being cut off from the Vine. He said, “Yes, but rememberโ€”those branches were broken off because they didnโ€™t believe in Christ, and you are there because you do believe. So donโ€™t think highly of yourself, but fear what could happen” (Romans 11:20, NLT). In other words, the Romans were admonished to fear falling into the same sin of unbelief like the Jews, which was the same thing Apostle Paul was telling the Philippians when he said “with fear and trembling.”
Truly, if you are depending on your works for salvation, there is a reason to fear and tremble, because you stand a risk of being cut off from Christ. Salvation is not a reward for your good works but a gift of grace accessed simply by faith. Self-righteousness is a sin of pride, and this made the Apostle say, “Do not be high-minded” (Rom. 11:20).
Like Apostle Paul, I say to you, do not be high-minded, but take your rest in God by simply believing in what He did for you at the cross.
Prayer Point

Let’s thank God for His Word today. Let’s ask Him to help us take our rest in the finished work of Christ.

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