Why Should I Tithe? Part 3

Call to Prayer
Topic: Why Should I Tithe? Part 3
Name: Daniel Peter
Date: 25.09.2024
We do not want you to become lazy, but to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised.
Hebrews 6:12 NIV
For some days now, we have been discussing the subject of tithing. Yesterday, I revealed how tithing was a means God provided for His house in the Old Testament, and how such wisdom could still be applied in the New Covenant, as God’s physical house still has needs. However, tithing in the New Covenant should be done with a different mindset than in the Old Covenant.
Today, let’s explore another reason why we should pay our tithe. In my previous writings on this, I emphasized how a Christian is not one seeking to be blessed, as a Christian has already been blessed with all spiritual blessings in Christ the moment they believe the Gospel (Ephesians 1:3). Now, these blessings are in the spiritual realm (heavenly places in Christ), and for them to manifest in the natural, there are certain acts of faith we need to do. So, it’s one thing to be blessed, but it’s another thing to manifest the blessing. Therefore, those blessings we have in Christ are promises that need to be obtained or inherited.
For example, every Christian has been blessed with good health in Christ, as Scripture says “…by His stripes we are healed” (1 Peter 2:24). Despite this reality, a Christian may still feel sick in their body. But by faith, this healing that is already resident in the spirit of that individual becomes manifest in the body. Just like healing, every believer has been made rich by God through the poverty that Jesus suffered (2 Corinthians 8:9), but to see this riches or prosperity manifest, there are certain acts of faith we must do.
As stated earlier, these blessings in Christ are promises. And for promises to be fulfilled, we were admonished by God to follow (or imitate) the footsteps of those who obtained (or inherited) the promises (Hebrews 6:12). Examples of people who inherited promises are replete in the Scriptures, Abraham and Jacob feature prominently among them. After Abraham was blessed by Melchizedek, he responded by giving a tithe of his spoils (Genesis 14:20). Jacob did something similar after he was blessed by Isaac and had a dream that confirmed the blessing. Despite not having any money with him, he responded by telling God that he would give a tithe of all the riches God would give to him (Genesis 28:22). Both Abraham and Jacob went on to inherit the promises of the blessing.
When we give our tithes, we are imitating those who inherited promises, which is an act of faith that would lead to the manifestation of the blessing of prosperity we have in Christ. Many years ago, I asked God why He instructed me to pay my tithe when I didn’t have much. He responded by telling me that it’s an act of faith, and that I should do it joyfully so that I would receive its rewards.
Tithing is faith in expression, and its reward is the manifestation of the blessing of prosperity in Christ.
Prayer Point
Let’s thank God for His word today. Let’s ask Him to help us do those things that would make us see promises fulfilled.

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