The GOSPEL (2)

Call to Prayer

Title: The GOSPEL (2)

By: Simon Nuhu Maina

Date: 04.10.2024


16ย For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek (Romans 1:16)


Through the help of God,ย  last week we began to lay the foundation on what the real GOSPEL is all about. The intent is to help us see the need to abide in the will of God by the reason of the Gospel. We were able to define the first two letters that make the word ยดGOSPELยด which are G-Grace of God and O-Obedience to the word of God. We learned that we received grace as a gift of God which enabled us to be saved and accepted back to God, and also by grace, we learn to obey absolutely every inspired word of God written in the Scriptures (Bible).

In this second part, we will continue with the next letter S which stands for Salvation for all men. Before the fall of man, the Almighty God created man completely (Genesis 2:7), because of that man was able to function extraordinarily by giving names to all the creations of God (Genesis 2:19-20), and the apex of the privilege given to man was the dominion over all other earthly creations of God (Genesis 1:28). After the fall of man to sin (Genesis 3:1-24), he lost that place of fellowship with God, lost the dominion mandate given to him, and was relegated to being a slave to sin. The emergence of sin made man forfeit all the heavenly privileges given by God thereby him a making lawful captive of the Devil ( Isaiah 49:24).

Sin became the master and man became the slave of it (Romans 6:15-23), subsequently death. For this reason, all men descending from the fallen man have inherited and are born with the nature of sin (Psalm 51:5, Romans 5:12). Christ came so that through His obedience to die on the cross for all men (Hebrews 5:7), men can now be restored to God (2 Corinthians 5:19). Salvation is the translation of hopeless doomed men destined for eternal condemnation to the kingdom of light courtesy of Jesus Christ (Colossians 1:13-14).

The next letter is P-Power of the Holy Spirit over sin, Satan and all kinds of sickness. It is necessary we understand that the Gospel was successfully handed over to us by the power of God. Jesus Christ was full of the Spirit and power (Acts 10:38); anywhere you see the Holy Spirit mentioned in the Scriptures, power accompanies Him. The preaching of the Gospel does not come in word only, but by Power and demonstration of the Holy Ghost (1 Thessalonians 1:5). The aim of the power is first to witness Jesus Christ (Acts 1:8), and one cannot effectively witness Christ without the power to perform miracles. A powerless believer is a victim of demonic attacks, sickness and endless intimidations of the Devil. Christ Himself assured the disciples that greater works they shall do than Him (John 14:12-18). However, we should not limit the power only to doing physical miracles, signs and wonders, or healing of the sick. It is necessary to accept that the power is also given to overcome sin and all unrighteous behaviours. There are Christians who only emphasize on power to do miracles but keep living in sin; that is a wrong perspective of power.

Prayer point:

Letยดs thank God for the word and also ask Him to help us live according to the Gospel by the power of the Holy Spirit.

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