Misplaced anger

Call To Prayer

Title: Misplaced anger

By: Wale Lasisi

Date: 10.10.2024


But unto Cain and to his offering he had not respect. And Cain was very wroth, and his countenance fell. (Genesis 4:5 KJV)


During the great transition in the lives of the children of Israel from the land of slavery to the promised land, we see an absurd character among many other things they did along that journey. They were angry with Moses and God at different times and they expressed these through murmurings and complaining (Num.14:2). They couldnโ€™t see things from Godโ€™s perspective like Moses did and God was very close to ending that generation if not for the intercession of Moses that brought about their preservation.

Many today like Cain or the children of Israel in the wilderness are angry with God. They are angry because their loved ones died and they believe God did not prevent it. They are angry at the way their life is going and would rather turn to evil ways and go to any length to achieve wealth than seek the face of God for His plans and purpose for their lives. Just like Job never knew the transaction that had happened over in heaven before the manifestation of destructions in his physical life, so also it is today. This is why the believer has been commanded to pray without ceasing (1Thess. 5:17). This way, he is positioned for victory.

If we take time out to be alone with God, he reveals his mind to his beloved and also the plans of the enemy, so we can repel any onslaught targeted against us (Amos 3:7). Knowing the mind of God concerning matters is what differentiates the grateful from the angry. The grateful is aware that all things work together for those that love God while the angry is wroth because of his ignorance of what is really happening and what to do.


Prayer point:

Let us thank God for His word today. Letโ€™s pray for a heart of gratitude in all circumstances.


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