God Is My Reward!

Call to Prayer

Topic: God Is My Reward!

After these things the word of the Lord came to Abram in a vision: โ€œFear not, Abram, I am your shield; your reward shall be very great.โ€After this, the word of the Lord came to Abram in a vision: โ€œDo not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your very great reward. โ€
Genesis 15:1 NIV

In the above verse of scriptures, we see God promising Abraham that He is his very great reward. Mind you, Abraham had this encounter with God shortly after he rescued Lot from the hands of some raiding kings (This account can be found in Genesis 14). After this rescue mission, Abraham rejected the offer of one of the Kings he rescued, not wanting man to take the glory for his blessings (expressed in wealth).

Before I reveal how God fulfilled His promise to Abraham, let’s see this Old Testament account with the eyes of the new. Warfare in the Old Testament is done with the arm of flesh, but warfare in the new is done by prayer (Eph. 6:12). Abraham went to war not for himself, but to rescue Lot and the people (humans or souls) captured with him. This action of Abraham corresponds to Intercession for souls to be saved. Intercessory prayer is done not for the salvation of the person praying, but for others who may not even be aware. It’s a total expression of love for the other, as Abraham expressed towards Lot.

With the above established, how did God fulfil the promise of Him becoming Abraham’s very great reward? Reading further down to verse 5 of Genesis 15, we see God promised Abraham children that will be as many as the stars in heaven. And from Galatians 3:7, we know that these children of Abraham are not necessarily biological children, but spiritual children. By faith, we also are children of Abraham.

By God saying ‘I will be your very great reward’, He was telling Abraham that He was going to manifest His glory. The glory dimension of God Abraham manifest isย  His ‘Spiritual Fatherhood’, for God is the father of all Spirits (Hebrew 12:9).

That reward is available for us now in the New Testament. The entrant into spiritual fatherhood in the kingdom is by Intercession. As we stay faithful in this ministry, God rewards us with spiritual children.

Prayer Point:

Let’s take time out today to ask God to help us and the entire body of Christ to be faithful in the ministry of intercession. He should cause us to do it joyfully so we will not miss out on our reward.

God bless you all.

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