The word of Faith

Call to Prayer

Topic: The word of Faith

But what saith it? The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach;
Romans 10:8 KJV

In His earthly ministry, Jesus Christ emphasized the importance of words. He introduced concept like ‘being defiled by what comes out from you and not what goes into you (Matthew 15:11)’, ‘Justification and condemnation by our words (Matthew 12:37)’ and ‘words as a revelator of the state of our heart (Matthew 12:34)’. Who is in a better position to tell us about the value of words than The Word Himself?

Truly, the value of words cannot be over emphasized, we are saved bacause of what we said (Roman 10:10). However, another dimension of the value of words was revealed in Jesus’ ministry. Often times we find the Pharisees asking Him questions to provoke Him to say something that they will use against Him (Mark 12:13). This action of the Pharisees is a reflection of what the devil does to a believer. The devil has no right over us, but when we say the wrong things, we give him right to use our words against us. The devil provokes a believer to say things contrary to the will of God; He bring circumstances, dreams, and offences to provoke us to say negative things. Spiritual battle is fought and won by words.

What should we say then? You may ask. We are to say only what The Lord has said concerning us in His written Word and His specific Word to you, irrespective of your circumstances. We are not to speak our situation, but our expectation. This is why the Bible said ‘Let the weak say I am strong (Joel 3:10)’

When we say the right things, God brings it to pass, and when otherwise, the devil acts on it. David discovered this secret of the Kingdom that was why he prayed earnestly for God to set a guard/watch over his mouth (Psalm 141:3,4). Job was victorious over his situation, because he did not sin by his words (Job 1:22). Again, A Christian is said to have grown into perfection when he/she does not offend by words (James 3:2).

Prayer Point:

Let’s take out time today to ask God to bring believers to the understandinging of the importance of speaking faith filled words, and He should empower us to say only the right things irrespective of our situation or feeling.




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