Growing in Wisdom

Call to Prayer

Topic: Growing in Wisdom

By: Daniel Peter

Date: 25.11.2024
And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.
Luke 2:52 NIV
We have been made kings and priests unto our God (Revelation 1:6, 1 Peter 2:9), as kings, we need wisdom to reign, for by it we make decrees (Proverbs 8:15). This is the reason the scriptures call wisdom the principal thing and admonish us to seek it above all else (Proverbs 4:7, Proverbs 3:13-18).
Though God’s wisdom is limitless, the access we have to it is in measures, and this “measure” depends on certain factors. To understand this, let’s consider the life of Jesus Christ. When He manifested as a man, He too had to grow in wisdom, as He shared in the weaknesses of humanity. In Luke 2:40, Jesus Christ was described as being “filled” with wisdom. Imagine you have a cup and you put water in it. When the water rises to the brim of the cup, you would describe it as “filled” with water. This is what the Scriptures meant when it said Jesus was filled with wisdom; it was to the measure of His capacity then.
However, in Luke 2:52, the Scriptures said “and Jesus grew in wisdom…”. Now, if initially He was full of wisdom, how come He grew in wisdom? As we know, if you add water to a cup that is already filled with water, the water doesn’t continue to rise in the cup but spills. For you to add more water to the cup, you have to find a way to increase the size of the cup. So, when the Bible said Jesus “grew” in wisdom after describing Him as being filled with “wisdom“, it added that Jesus Christ also grew in “stature“, which suggests that Jesus grew in His spiritual capacity, for the word “stature” was translated from the Greek word “hฤ“likia“, which also means “maturity in size”, that is, growth in size.
God fills us with wisdom to the measure of our spiritual capacity. To grow in wisdom, you have to grow in your spiritual capacity. Spiritual capacity is the measure of our capacity to love. Therefore, the more of the love of Christ we can manifest, the greater the wisdom that is entrusted to us.
Prayer Point:
Let’s thank God for His word today and ask Him to help us grow in our spiritual capacity, so that we may receive more of His wisdom and reign effectively as kings and priests unto Him.

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