Conclusion of the Matter

Call to Prayer

Title: Conclusion of the Matter

By: Simon Nuhu

Date: 17.01.2025


“Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil”. ย (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14)


Human beings have a driven desire to constantly explore their surrounding, talents, potentials, etc. The human mind always houses the quest to thrive and be successful, and aspires to be decorated with fame honor, glorification, and all manner of prestigious recognition. In a bit to achieve all the aforementioned mundane yardsticks to a fulfilled life, man tends to be overwhelmed and however, forgets about the most important thing in life: the fear of God! The natural (carnal) man goes all his way to get the comfort he ever needs, at all costs even if it involves destroying the peace, fortunes, and lives of other people.

Now, God has to clearly remind the world that He ever matters in all that we do. Of course, achieving great feats in philosophy, science, technology and other contemporary social tools of modern advancement is in fact, not only commendable but also worthy of attainment. Nonetheless, as children of God, we should know that that’s not the ultimate achievement of a man, as they are what Solomon eventually ascribed as “vanity upon vanity” (Eccl 1:1-2). We are expected to fear God, as that is the primary heavenly requirement from all men, irrespective of social, political, professional status, gender, and affiliations. Some people have mistaken the fear of God to think because God is all-loving, He condones all manner of careless attitudes and behavior.

As the Bible highlighted, the paramount thing as far as human existence is concerned, is to fear God and keep His commandments at all times, because that is the entire “duty” of a man. So, with all the worldly feats, records, and recognitions, without the fear of God, we stand to be judged by the Almighty God, and who is to stand the wrath of God? absolutely nobody! Beloved, let us be informed that our whole existence on Earth is to fear Him and keep His commandments at all times!


Prayer point

Let us thank God for His message to us. Let’s also ask Him to regularly remind us that we owe Him loyalty, worship, and profound obedience, and to grant us grace to do all that He requires of us. God bless us all.


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