The Gospel

Call to Prayer
Topic: The Gospel

By: Daniel Peter

Date: 18.02.2025
Now, brothers and sisters, I want to remind you of the gospel I preached to you, which you received and on which you have taken your stand. ย (1 Corinthians 15:1 NIV)
Some years ago, I read an article where one narrated a story of a minister who was invited to preach in a church. After ministering a sermon many would call powerful, as he may have encouraged the people to do works of righteousness, one of the people in the congregation noticed that in all he said, he did not mention Jesus, though he mentioned God.
After the service, the person in the congregation met the minister of God and told him what he noticed. After their conversation, this minister admitted to him that he wasn’t a Christian, but a Muslim. This story reveals the sad state of the Church, for many lack the understanding of “His Righteousness”.
Without the revelation of Christ, the Christian message is not so much different from Islamic and Jewish teachings, where works as righteousness are preached. This is why a Muslim could speak in a church because our message is beginning to sound the same: do not steal, do not lie, do not fornicate, etc.
Though many ministers who preach works as righteousness are well-meaning, they seem to have lost the Gospel. And this needs to be addressed.
The word “Gospel” as used in the New Testament was translated from the Greek word “Euaggelizล“, which means “to announce good news“. Therefore, the Gospel is the announcement of what Christ accomplished for humanity at the cross of Calvary; by His death and resurrection. (1 Corinthians 15:3-4)
This means, if a message encourages one to do works of righteousness without the revelation of what Christ has done for us at the cross, it is not the Gospel.
When Apostle Paul reminded the Corinthian church of the Gospel he preached to them, all he did was remind them of the death and resurrection of Jesus, and the evidence that it was true (See 1 Corinthians 15:1-8). Preaching Jesus is preaching the Gospel.
Though God wants us to walk in righteousness, we are not righteous because of our works, but because He who knew no sin became sin so we can become the righteousness of God (2 Corinthians 5:21). And this gift of righteousness enables us to will and to do in accordance with His good pleasure (Philippians 2:13).
Prayer Point:
Let’s thank God for His word today. Let’s ask Him to help the Church rediscover the true meaning of the Gospel, and He should give His ministers the grace to proclaim it boldly.

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