Suffering as a Christian -Part 1


Date: 07.03.2021

By: Daniel Idehen

Title: Suffering as a Christian -Part 1

For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps:

(1Pe 2:21 KJV)

The subject of suffering is one many people are not comfortable with though itโ€™s a common human experience. Suffering wasnโ€™t part of Godโ€™s intention for man, but it came as a result of the curse on the land due to Adamโ€™s fall. Jesus has redeemed man from sin and its consequences, invariably the curse. However, Jesus achieved much more than that, He came to set an example on the right way to suffer as our scriptural verse of today suggests.

At first, it seems contradictory that Jesus Christ is telling us to follow His footstep of suffering when He came to deliver us from the curse that brought suffering. ย Nevertheless, the kind of suffering that Jesus Christ wants us to learn from Him is the one that leads to glory; what He came to restore to mankind. Paul alludes to this suffering that leads to glory in Romans 8:17, where he stated โ€˜if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together.โ€™

How did Jesus Christ suffer? Jesus Christ did not suffer because He sinned. Rather, He suffered because he stood for the Truth and made the right confessions. This was what is referred to as the suffering of persecution. ย Many can pass over this suffering by simply denying or not affirming the Truth, but those who are true children and servant of God are revealed by their decision to endure it. Suffering in this manner is a sign that you are manifesting Godโ€™s glory (1Peter 4:14).

Prayer Point:

Letโ€™s take out time today to ask God to help the body of Christ to emulate the example of Jesus Christ when He suffered. He should help us to be bold and courageous to affirm and do the Truth no matter what we may have to suffer because of it.

God bless you all.

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