Importance of Works of Righteousness


Date:ย 25.03.2021

Title:ย Importance of Works of Righteousness

What doth it profit, my brethren,ย though a man say he hath faith, and have not works? can faith save him?…… Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works,ย and I will shew thee my faith by my works.

(James 2:14,18 KJV)

I thank God that the salvation we have in Christ is simply by grace, Meaning, all we need is faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ to access it (Eph. 2:8-9). This has eliminated boasting and has placed all of us on a common pedestal: helped by God. But how important is works of righteousness in our walk with God? Has grace eliminated works? With the current state of things, there is a need for clarity on this subject matter.

To help us understand the importance of works in our walk with God, I will share a story. Some years ago, I was led by the Holy Spirit to attend a Christian conference in Hamburg, Germany. It was a three days conference, and people came from all over Europe to attend. On getting there, it was evident that the enemy, the devil, wasnโ€™t pleased with the gathering, and he sent his agents to destabilize the event. One of his emissaries was a lady who seemed unassuming at first sight. She sat close to the entrance and observed the people going in and coming out of the conference hall. As the conference progressed, she caused a scene outside; she started making trouble with the officials of the event and making negative remarks. People gathered around that spot to watch what was happening, creating a distraction. By the spirit of God, I was able to discern that she was demon-possessed and that her action was intentional by the enemy to change the opinion of people concerning the event and the minister God has sent, thereby preventing them from being blessed. I stepped in to reveal this to the crowd; I told them what the enemy was doing and how we should react to it as Christians. I thank God for granting the people understanding, for they responded to my words.

Seeing that her plan has been exposed, I became her target. She said to me, in the hearing of the people around, “You that has gone to sleep with a prostituteโ€. Knowing her statement was false, I ignored her. However, on my way home, a question came to mind, assuming what she said was true, how would I have acted? My confidence would have been affected because her words might have come across as an accurate word of knowledge. Then, Proverbs 28:1 was made alive to me, ‘the righteous are bold as a lion’.ย The devil is an accuser (Rev. 12:10). Though he cannot accuse us before God again because of the blood of Jesus, and we resist his fiery darts with our shield of faith (Eph. 6:16). Yet that faith is revealed or seen by our works as our scriptural verses of today states.

Again, sin hardens the heart (Heb. 3:13), and a hardened heart cannot believe. If you keep on sinning despite receiving Jesus Christ, soon you will start doubting the things of God, and doubts and unbelief can take you out of Christ. This is the reason that once saved doesnโ€™t mean always saved. To see this from scripture, read Hebrew 3:15-19 & 4:11.

Prayer Point

Letโ€™s take time out today to ask God to help every believer to walk in righteousness.

God bless you all.

If this has blessed you, Please share this Call to Prayer with your friends and family so they will be blessed too.ย 

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