Just like Jesus

By: Dorcas Enim Enyan

To thisย you were called,ย because Christ suffered for you,ย leaving you an example,ย that you should follow in his steps. โ€œHe committed no sin, and no deceit was found in his mouth.โ€ ย When they hurled their insults at him,ย he did not retaliate; when he suffered, he made no threats.ย Instead, he entrusted himselfย to him who judges justly.

โ€“ 1 Peter 2:21-25

The unique trait of a person is key in the description of his or her character, irrespective of skin colour, ethnic background, or culture. There have been great men and women who have impacted their world. Even though some are no more, their legacy still lives on due to their impact. The accomplishment of a person can be revealed through their works; one can conclude on a personโ€™s character or unique trait through the works of a person. There are many people all around the globe whose lives have made a change in their generation, and generations after them.

As a young believer, I was once asked who l aspire to be like. We live in a world full of influential personalities, l needed some time to think about it and concluded that there was no one on this earth l desire to be like but master Jesus Christ. Not to sound religious, but l took some time to study how Jesus Christ moved and functioned on this earth 2000 years ago. This man amazes me so much so l believe my neighbours are always wondering what is happening to me due to my shouting and clapping while studying the bible.

After some research on google, l discovered countless people who had done a lot to impact the world.ย  These are some of their names according to TIME (pr Newswire), The list includes Denzel Washington, Michael B. Jordan, Derek Jeter, Patrick Mahomes, Common, Angela Davis, Ted Cruz, Tsai Ing-wen, Oprah Winfrey and Tyler Perry etc.

In the scriptural verse of today, we see that we have been called as believers by Christ Jesus to follow His footsteps. Even though we live in the world, the bible tells us not to conform to this world (Romans 12:1-2). There are several historical stories of people such as Noah, Joseph, and Paul etc. in scriptures whose lives impacted their generation. Their stories were written to encourage us on our journey. But as to whom we should follow, we have the greatest example which is Christ Jesus who suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God. He was put to death in the body but made alive in the Spirit. (1peter 3:18).

Most influential people died through sickness or accidents that shorten their assignments here on earth. Their death was not because of the love they have for the people that followed them. But we as believers have a role model, Christ Jesus, who so loved us and laid down his life for us (John 10:18). He came for the redemption of mankind and completed it by His death and resurrection. Which great or influential person can be compared to our saviour Jesus Christ, whose legacy is everlasting? Following Jesus or becoming like Jesus means that we have to be willing to give up our lives for our friends. This is the greatest love (John 15:13).

Prayer Point:

Let`s Pray that God should grant the entire body the grace to follow the steps of his son Jesus Christ.

Prayer Point:

Letโ€™s ask God to help members of the body of Christ to die to the flesh and be alive to Him.


If this has blessed you, please share this Call to Prayer with your friends and family so they will be blessed too.ย 

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God Bless you all



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