Make us one

Call to Prayer

Date:ย 07.05.2021

Title: Make us one

By: Dorcas Enim Enyan

โ€œI do not ask for these only, but also for those who will believe in me through their word, that theyย may all be one, just as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they alsoย may be in us,ย so that the world may believe that you have sent me. The glory that you have given me I have given to them, thatย they may be oneย even as we are one,ย 

(John 17:20-22 ESV )

Ever since the beginning, the oneness of the Godhead has always been expressed in scriptures. The statement `Let us make man in our image and likenessโ€˜ stated in Genesis 1:26 is suggestive of plurality in the Godhead. For the phrase `let us` indicates more than one personality. When Jesus came to bring about the new creation, there were statements He made that suggest the working together of the Father, Son, and The Holy Spirit. Jesus stated in John 14:10 ยดthe Father who dwells in Me does the worksยด when He was talking about the miracles He performed. Again, in Matthew 12:28, Jesus made mention of the Holy Spirit as being part of His ministry when He stated ยดBut if I drive out demons by the Spirit of God…ยด. With these, We see the Godhead working as one in the process leading to the recreation of Man; the earthly ministry of Jesus.

ย Knowing the above, the statement ยดHear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is oneยด written in Deuteronomy 6:4 now has a new meaning; the oneness of the Godhead is not based on the number of persons that constitute it, but oneness of mind and purpose. Despite this is an attribute of the Godhead, this has been Godยดs intention for mankind from the beginning; though we are many, we should be one in mind and purpose. The statement `in our image and likenessยด goes beyond the appearance of the Godhead, but also the character and way of operation of the Godhead. In our key scriptures of today, we hear in the prayer of Jesus that He desires us Christians to be one. How is this oneness among believers expressed?

In Matthew 26:19, when Jesus gave the great commission, He did not commit it to the hands of one of the disciples, but all of them. This was the attitude the earliest disciples had; none took it as his work alone, rather, they knew they had a common mandate and they worked in cooperation with one another. We read in Acts 13:1 how disciples gathered to pray. And in Galatians 2:2, we read when Paul went to Jerusalem to meet with Peter, James, and others for the proving of the message he was preaching. If there wasn’t unity among them, that wouldn’t be. Another way this oneness can be expressed among believers is in the administration of our gifts. We see in 1Corinthian 12:12-13, how Paul compared the different gifts of the Holy Spirit to the different body parts of a human being, and as we minister them with love without comparing ourselves with the other, the entire body is functioning well. But when we detach ourselves from others by not ministering our gifts because of thoughts of self-importance or some other reasons, we are not functioning as one. Another way we express oneness was stated in Ephesians 4: 13,ย  ยดwhen we come to the unity of the knowledge and faith of the Son of Godยด. This is achieved when we receive the different ministry gifts He has given to us (Ephesians 4:11-13).

When we attain oneness as a body, then the world will be able to see Jesus and know that He was sent by the Father and that He loves us (John 17:22-24). This will lead to the salvation of the souls of unbelievers. Again, this oneness will bring us to the point where nothing shall be impossible for us. We can understand this from Genesis 11:6.

Prayer Point:

Let us thank God for His word today. Let us also ask Him to help the entire body of Christ to attain oneness in Him.

If this has blessed you, please share this Call to Prayer with your friends and family so they will be blessed too.ย 

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