Overcoming Sin Key 2: Right Confession


Ye have not yet resisted unto blood, striving against sin.

(Heb 12:4 KJV)

Welcome to the continuation of the series โ€˜Overcoming Sinโ€™. Last week, I gave the first key on overcoming sin as โ€˜thanksgivingโ€™. You can find the article in our archive at www.wsidommedia.org/wisdom-blog. Today, I am going to give another key.

Our scriptural verse for today is quite an interesting one, because it reveals the nature of the fight that exists between us and sin. Like I stated last week, the victory is already ours by the sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we need to work out that victory so it can be our daily experience (Phil. 2:12).

The word โ€˜resistedโ€™ as used in our scriptural verse of today was translated from the Greek word โ€˜antikathistemiโ€™. This is a military term which means โ€˜to set down (troop) againstโ€™, that is, to โ€˜withstandโ€™. To understand this, imagine a medieval era war scene of the enemy troops trying to break through the wall of a city. Usually, there are military men behind the city wall trying hard to resist the enemy breaking in from outside. This is what our struggle with sin is like; you are the city, and sin is the enemy trying to break in.

In essence, our fight against sin is a spiritual battle, which means, itโ€™s not one that can be won with the arm of flesh: self-determination, smart goals, or making resolutions are good but are not enough to make you experience this victory. To fight this battle, we have to be rightly kitted, in our full military regalia, as described in Ephesians 6:10 โ€“ 17. One of the things mentioned there is โ€˜The Sword of the Spiritโ€™, which is the word of God. We are effectively using The Sword of the Spirit against the enemy when we make right confessions (confessions based on the revelation of the grace of God).

The word has declared that we are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus (2Cor. 5:21), we have been set free from sin (Romans 6:18), and we have been crucified with Christ (Gal.2:20), which means we are dead to the flesh and therefore dead to sin. As we boldly make these declarations, even in the face of the oppositions (sin and its desires), the Holy Spirit will bring us to the experience of the victory over sin; freedom from sin and its desires.

Prayer Point:

Letโ€™s us thank God for His word today. Letโ€™sย  ask Him to give us the revelation of the finished work of Christ as it relates to our freedom from sin, and He should help us to boldly declare it, even in the face of opposition.

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