Overcoming Sin Key 4: The Consciousness of the Presence of God


Date:ย 26.05.2021

Title:ย ย Overcoming Sin Key 4:

The Consciousness of the Presence of God

By:ย ย Daniel Peter


Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spiritย who isย in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own?

1 Cor. 6:19 NKJV


All through scriptures, we see that God has always wanted man to live in the consciousness of His presence. God, being a Spirit, and Man living in a natural world, by the consciousness of His presence, we are able to maintain contact with Him. A life of faith is not possible without His consciousness. And by His consciousness, God is able to guide us, protect us, and deliver us from Sin.

Studying the record of the first account of sin in the bible, we will realize that Adam and Eve gave in to the devil because they were not conscious of the fact that God was seeing them and was with them. We can understand this by their change of attitude when they heard the voice of God walking in the garden. The bible stated in Genesis 3:8 that they hid from Godโ€™s presence when they heard the voice walking in the Garden. And verse 10 of that chapter affirmed that their action was because they were afraid. You may ask, at what time was God there? When they heard the voice walking or God has always been there? The name Eden suggests that the garden was marked by the presence of God. We can see that Adam and Eve sinned because they were not conscious that God was with them.

The case was different for Joseph. People acknowledge his running away from Potipharโ€™s wife as the reason He overcame, which is true. However, Joseph was only able to run because He saw God with him. Joseph stated in Genesis 39:9ย โ€œHow then could I do such a wicked thingย and sin against God?”.ย Seeing God with you empowers you to overcome sin. Paul understood this mystery that was why he drew the attention of the Corinthians Church to the fact that God was in them when he was addressing the sin of fornication among them. In 1Corinthians 6:19, Paul stated, โ€œdo you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in youโ€.ย This knowledge that God is in you will impart the fear of God in you, which will restrain you from sin.ย 

Again, Paul stated in Romans 8:11, โ€œAnd if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies because of his Spirit who lives in youโ€.ย The ‘if’ statement has been fulfilled in every Christian, for we all have the Holy Spirit. Knowing this (having this consciousness) will empower you to walk in righteousness.

Meditation is the key to developing Godโ€™s consciousness. As we spend time meditating on His word and His acts in our days, His manifest presence is attracted to us and we are empowered to live out our victory over sin and to walk in righteousness.

Prayer Point:

Let us spend time today to ask God to help us to be conscious of His presence with us and to meditate on His word and works so we can manifest His Character.


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God bless you all!



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