Food check

Call to Prayer

Date: 11.06.2021

Title: Food check

By: Dorcas Enim Enyan

But he said to them, โ€œl have food to eat that you know nothing about.โ€ Then his disciples said to each other, โ€œCould someone have brought him food?โ€

-John 4:32-33

The growth level of every individual or a thing is dependent on what is being consumed or taking in. The process of growth applies to humans being as well as our environment or nature. As human to maintain a healthy form and lifestyle will require an appropriate nutrient which assists the body in gaining a fit structure. The same procedure applies when we feed on junk food but with a negative outcome.

I bought some plants for my balcony last year whose purpose was to enhance my space. The state of the plant when newly purchased was very much flourishing, and l made sure l watered it regularly to keep it alive. But there was a day l went out forgetting to water it and sad enough later on in the day it was scorching hot, and when l came back home the to check on the plant l was surprised by the condition of it within some few hours of neglect. The plant had shrunk so much one would not imagine its original state in the beginning. My reaction after seeing its condition was to eliminate it but l had hope for its survival. So I watered it, and after a few hours, it came back to life becoming even more beautiful than it was before.

In today’s Call to prayer l will like to elaborate on a topic l callย โ€œFood checkโ€.

Food Check 1.1:ย Identification. From the day and moment, we declared with our mouth, โ€œJesus is Lordโ€ and believed in our heart that God raised him from the dead not only did we receive salvation but there was a divine exchange that took place which was receiving the Spirit of God into our mortal bodies (Romans 10:8-10). Through this transaction, our bodies which was once a slave to sin, has been transformed into a temple in which the Spirit of God dwells. (1 cor 3:16) Therefore, our identity has been established in Christ Jesus.ย ย 

Food Check 1.2:ย Awareness.ย The Spirit we have received is not just any spirit but was the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead, which gives us life (Romans 8:11). Being conscious of the Spirit will enable us to live according to the Spirit. Another way of creating awareness is through our confession, declaring โ€œYou are a spirit beingโ€ drags you into the realm of your true identity. Just as we are aware of the nutrients we take in to maintain a healthy lifestyle, living according to the Spirit will enable us to engage with the things of the Spirit, and function in that realm.

Food Check 1.3:ย Purpose. Every nutrient we take in has its purpose or function in our bodies. This also applies to the Spirit we have received. In our scriptural verse for today, which is in John 4:32-33, Jesus speaks of an unknown food he has been feeding on which His disciples knew nothing about. In the previous verse, the disciples of Jesus had left him to purchase food while He encounters a Samaritan woman. Later on, when they had come back, they urged Jesus to eat but he refuses. This scripture reveals two different realms ( Spirit & Flesh) in which Jesus, contrary to his disciples, was walking in as well were living in (Gal 5:17). Jesus had identified his true identity, which was in the Spirit and was operating from that realm while his disciples were carnally arguing within themselves over the food they had purchased, which only could satisfy the flesh. Jesus had his mind fully set on the things of the Spirit, which gave him the ability to fulfilling His earthly mandate (The will of His Father in Heaven) till its completion. Although Jesus walked on earth, He fully lived in the consciousness of His reality (Spirit), which granted him access and victory in fulfilling the will of God on earth as God had established in Heaven.

Final Food Check 1.4:ย Examination. Carrying out the will of the Father will demand a conscious and active communion with the Holy Spirit. (1 Cor 2:13). Walking in the Spirit will acquire gaining knowledge through the word of God. Living in the consciousness of the Spirit will grant us access to fully manifest in the spirit realm. Just like my plant needed water to be fruitful and flourish so can our Spirit be fruitful when we feed on spiritual nutrient such as fasting, praying, studying, and meditating on the word of God.

My Pastor once said whatever you feed grows and whatever you starve dies.

Prayer Point

Letโ€™s thank God for todayโ€™s word. Letโ€™s pray that God should grant the entire body the grace to live and walk by the Spirit so we can fulfil His will here on earth. AMEN

If this has blessed you, please share this Call to Prayer with your friends and family so they will be blessed too.ย 

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