Discerning the “Unity” of the Body


Title: Discerning the “Unity” of the Body

By:  Daniel Peter

Date: 18.08.2021

But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of that bread, and drink of that cup. For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord’s body.

(1Co 11:28-29 KJV)

Heaven is a different civilization from the earth. Meaning, not everything in heaven or in the mind of God can be communicated with human words. Because of this, God uses earthly things to describe heavenly realities by utilizing idiomatic expressions and allegories to communicate His mind (John 3:12). This is the reason why the voice of God is not heard, rather it is discerned (even His audible voice comes with a deeper meaning that needs to be discerned). With this said, the stories in the bible and their imagery needs to be interpreted with spiritual understanding. And when connected with each other, the deep thoughts of God are then revealed, empowering us for kingdom exploits (Dan. 11:32).

The first man Adam was formed in the earth realm; meaning He operated in and from the earth. However, in Genesis 6:6, it was revealed that God regretted this (creating man in the earth) because of the activity of demonic spirits who were cast down to earth (Gen. 6:4). The fact that “God regretted” placing man in the first location is an indication of a change of plan. That plan was to create the new man in a new environment called “Christ”. Now, it’s good for us to know that “Christ” is not necessarily a new environment or a new location in God’s scheme of things, for the “heavens and the earth” were created “in the beginning” (Gen. 1:1), and “The beginning” is “Jesus Christ” (Rev. 22:13). All things were created in Him (Christ) originally, but some fell out of Him because of rebellion (Isaiah 14:12, Ezekiel 28:16, Revelation 12:7-9). By His wisdom, He decided to create man in the location of the fallen ones (satan and his demons), that is, on earth. The reason for this was so He will still the enemy (Satan) by the praise of these ones (Psalm 8:2). In essence, the new creation (or the work of redemption) is a reconciliation (A bringing back of all things to their original intention and location) process.

The truth is, the location “Christ” is a location of faith. That is, it can only be accessed by faith. Now faith works by love. This means, if you are not walking in love you are out of Christ for your faith is ineffective (Gal. 5:6). Therefore, gaining the understanding of the complete dimension of love and walking in it will help you to remain in Christ. In Christ is the access to all our redemptive benefits (Eph. 1:3). Outside Christ is darkness; weakness, sickness, death and every evil the enemy brings (Rev. 22:15).

Our Key scripture for today was part of a letter Apostle Paul wrote to the Corinthians Church, where He was addressing the way the Holy Communion should be taken (1Co 11:17-34 KJV). Apostle Paul noted that because the people were not discerning the bread and wine as the body of Christ, some became sick, weak, and even died (verse 30). These effects are only possible outside Christ. The bread and wine are symbolic of the body and blood of Christ and the body of Christ is the Church. The Church has many denominations, we all together make up the body of Christ. Expanding Paul’s revelation to the interpreted meaning of “bread and wine”, not discerning the unity of the Church by excluding a section of it from it because of differences of certain beliefs and practices makes you liable for judgment; A thrusting out from Christ. 

The solution to this is the renewal of the mind (Romans 12: 1-2) and judging yourself (1Cor. 11:31)

Prayer Point:

Let thank God for His word today. Let us also ask Him to help us understand the in Christ realities and the grace to always be discerning of His body. 

God bless you all

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