Talk to God About it


Title:ย Talk to God About it

By:ย ย Daniel Peter

Date:ย 15.12.2021


Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving,ย let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.ย 

(Philippians 4:6-7 KJV)


Life can be overwhelming, with trials, tribulations, and vicissitudes. How do we navigate through in such times? Simply having a sincere conversation with God about what we are experiencing may be all we need to do to gain victory.

Generally, Godโ€™s purpose for mankind is to have a relationship with us, for this is the reason He created us in His image and likeness. Nowhere in the scriptures was it said that God visits angels and have communion with them. But for mankind, we see the Lord visit Adam in the garden (Gen. 3:8), and how He visited Abraham and supped with Him (Gen. 18). This intimate way God relates with mankind made one ask in Psalms 8:4:ย โ€œWhat is man that You are mindful of him, And the son of man that You visit him?โ€.ย With these said, the unique position man holds in Godโ€™s scheme of things is clearly seen. To fulfil this purpose God has for mankind, we have to learn to talk to God about everything, for by communication relationship is formed between two.

Talking with God in a sincere manner concerning what you are going through is considered an act of faith before God and itโ€™s rewarded by Him. We see this in the life of Jacob when returning from the house of his father in law, Leban, to Canaan. Esau hearing of Jacobโ€™s return came with an army of 400 to meet Jacob on the way (Gen. 32.6). Jacobโ€™s response to the distressing situation was to talk to God about it in prayer (Gen. 32:9-11). In doing so, he sincerely admitted his fears before God and asked God to deliver him. God rewarded His response by granting him an encounter that led to his name change (Genesis 32:22-31). He also changed the attitude of his brother Esau towards him when they met (Gen. 33). This attitude was also seen in King Hezekiah when the Assyrian King sent a representative to speak threatening words to him. Instead of trying to solve the problem in a carnal way, He turned and talked to God about it (2 Kings 19: 14 โ€“ 19). In His prayer to God, He sincerely admitted the might of the Assyrian army and asked for deliverance. God responded by fighting on his behalf, destroying the Assyrian army with a single Angel. King Hezekiah did not have to do anything.

This response of talking with God about situations doesnโ€™t come naturally for carnal people, who try to get things done with their might and possessions, without depending on God. This was the sin of King Asa, who sought the help of the Syrian king in a time of war instead of talking to God about his situation (2 Chro. 16:7), and sought physicians first when was sick instead of consulting God (2 Chro. 16:12). People with false faith also fail in this, who undermine situations and act without waiting on Him to hear His strategy and insight about what they are facing.

Situations of life may be Godโ€™s bait to draw us to Him for a conversation, or a test to see if we will still see Him as the source of the solution we seek. Doing anything else other than first talking to Him in prayer is a fail and a forfeiting of His purpose for you. But when you talk to Him about what you are going through, your victory over it is sure, and He rewards you with His peace, as our scriptural verse of today states.

Prayer Point

Letโ€™s thank God for His word today. Let also ask Him to help us to trust in Him in every situation by talking to Him about all that comes our way.

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