The Name of Jesus

Call to Prayer

Title: The Name of Jesus

By: Daniel Peter

Date: 29.06.2022

But I will reveal my name to my people, and they will come to know its power. Then at last they will recognize that I am the one who speaks to them.
Isaiah 52:6 NLT

We’ve come to a kingdom that is quite different from where we were delivered and translated from (Col. 1:3). Therefore, it is imperative we seek to understand its concepts, principles, culture and government etc. As this will enable us to fully live as royal citizens of the kingdom heaven, utilize our rights and privileges. One of the most important concepts will need to understand is “His name (Jesus)”, as it gives us access to all that we have in Him and the right to represent Him.

At Apostle Peter’s healing of the invalid man at the beautiful gate, He made an important mention. He said: โ€œSilver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk (Acts. 3:6)”. From his statement, the name of Jesus was revealed as something one can have (can possessed), just as we canย  possess things in the natural like money, houses or friends etc. As with Peter, we all have received that name the moment we gave our lives to Christ. However, to see the power in the name like Peter experienced, we have to know the name and place our faith in it (Acts 3:16).

By the name of Jesus, we have received the Power of Attorney to act and speak on Christ’s behalf (to represent him). This means, when we speak or act in His name, it is as though He is the one. Therefore,ย  the same power and authority that is available when Jesus physically present, become available to us too (Rev. 2:28 NLT). So, whatever cannot resist Jesus, cannot resist us. Again, whosoever rejects us when we speak in His name, also rejects Him (Luke 10:16). This is also true when we approach the Father in His name. As we speak, He hears us as if it was Jesus Himself speaking. Whatever the Father cannot deny the son, He won’t deny us when we come in His Son’s name, for it is as though Jesus Christ is the one speaking.

As stated earlier, apart from knowing the name of Jesus, we need faith to see the power and authority in the name manifest. Faith is expressed in two ways: “Believe and Obedience”. We have to believe in what the word says about the name and our inheritance in Christ, and live in obedience in to Him. For they to see the power of God manifest, the disciples were required to remain in Jerusalem for a certain time (Luke 24: 49). After their obedience was complete, by the number of days they were required to wait was fulfilled, they received the Holy Ghost ( Acts 2:2), and started operating in the name.

Finally, if you believe that you have gained the knowledge of the name and have faith in it, demonstrate it by practicing using the name in praying for the sick and making decrees you expect will manifest. This is faith in itself and a necessary step to see the power manifest.

Prayer Point

Let’s thank God for His word today, and lets ask Him to reveal His name to His Church and for Him to help us to know its power.

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