His Righteousness

Call To Prayer

Title: His Righteousness

By: Daniel Peter

Date: 20.07.2022


โ€œListen to me, you who pursue righteousness and who seek the Lord: Look to the rock from which you were cut and to the quarry from which you were hewn; Isaiah 51:1 NIV.


The concept of righteousness is one every believer should seek to know and understand, for apart from it being the nature of God, it is a marker to determine our transition to the New Covenant.

From the understanding of scriptures, there are two expressions of righteousness: as a nature and as what we do. For example, 1John 3:7 states: “… he that doeth righteousness is righteous, even as he is righteous”. Therefore, the righteousness we do reveals the nature of righteousness we have received when we believed. The nature of righteousness is what God has worked in us by salvation, but it is then our responsibility to work out what has been worked in us by doing acts of righteousness (Phil. 2:12). By working it out is how we manifest His glory, then others can see and appreciate God in us

In working out our salvation, in this case the nature of righteousness we have received, we do so from a position of rest, and not as though we are trying to attain it. The Jews in the Old Testament tried to attain righteousness by their works, and this became a stumbling block to them (Rom. 9:32). But for us Christians, we have become His righteousness because of our faith in Him. The works of righteousness that proceeds from us is the fruit of our union with Him. So, we don’t seek to attain righteous by our actions like the Jews in the Old Testament, but we seek Him (in fellowship and intimacy with Him), and by being in contact with Him, the works of righteousness proceeds from our lives naturally.

Just like a tree will naturally produce fruits as long as it’s roots remain in the ground, a Christian will be fruitful as long as he or she maintains contact with God in intimacy. Therefore, intimacy with God should be the pursuit of every Christian that seeks to manifest His Glory (in this case, His righteousness)

Prayer Point:

Let’s thank Him for His word today, and let’s ask Him to help us remain rooted in Him by intimacy.


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