A man, like us!

Call To Prayer

Title: A man, like us!

By: Owusu Clifford S.

Date: 06/08/2022


Elijah was a manย with a nature like ours, andย he prayed earnestly that it would not rain; and it did not rain on the land for three years and six months. James 5:17.


Every individual will be born once, live once and die. There are people who have lived and died and nobody remembers them, not even their families. But there are others too that their names have outlived their death. They are dead but they are still remembered for one thing or another. Thus, how you are born, how you live and how you die does not really matter, but how well you lived is what makes the difference. The greatest human to ever live is undoubtedly our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ.

For someone who has surpassed three decades on earth, I have had the privilege of experiencing some extraordinary achievements by ordinary men, such as when Cristiano Ronaldo broke the all-time goal scoring record, or when Lionel Messi broke the number of goals scored in a single calendar year or when Eliud Kipchoge run a marathon under two hours. Usain Bolt’s 9.58 seconds 100metres record can also be mentioned. These are considered incredible feats achieved by these men, but they all came at a cost to these great athletes including strict dietary requirements, strict adherence to routine, and long hours of training.

For some time now, the Spirit of God has drawn my attention to one particular thing: the limitless power of ordinary humans. There is nothing as powerful as a determined mind. This power becomes exceedingly great when it is exercised by a knowledgeable child of God. Our generation of Christians is a generation that is satisfied with quoting the incredible things people have done in times past in our teachings and preaching. The eagerness to replicate or even supersede what they have done is not there. Yes, we know God can do it, yet we are not ready to bear the discomfort in our bodies to be the instruments through which God will accomplish His wondrous and miraculous works.

In our verse for today, Apostle James tells us that Elijah was a man just like us, but He prayed earnestly and shut the heavens for three and half years. What a great faith! The adverb earnestly tells us that Elijah’s prayer was no ordinary prayer, and anyone who has prayed in such a manner will tell you how uncomfortable it is. But, isn’t it incredible how God respected one man’s decision to cause the entire earth to suffer? However, that is how our God is, He respects and abides by His word. Elijah identified God’s word and prayed it into being. But lest we forget, he was a man, just like us.

The central theme of today’s message is that, we can also accomplish incredible things in this world if only we will allow ourselves to be used by God and if we are ready to bear the discomfort in our bodies. No great feat is achieved in pleasure. As believers, it is either you live and die and go to heaven or you live well, die, go to heaven, receive a crown and yet be remembered on earth. The difference between the two hinges of the level of discomfort you are willing to bear in constant prayer, constant fasting, constant reading of the Word, constant living in righteousness and holiness, and constant total obedience to God. It will not come on a silver platter, so make up your mind. God bless you!!

Prayer Point:

Let us thank God for the answers to our prayers. Let us pray for the strength to bear discomfort so that we can be instruments of tremendous power in the hands of God almighty.


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