Like God

Call to Prayer

Title: Like God

By: Daniel Peter

Date: 04.12.2023


In that day shall the LORD defend the inhabitants of Jerusalem; and he that is feeble among them at that day shall be as David; and the house of David shall be as God, as the angel of the LORD before them.ย Zechariah 12:8 KJV


His statement of purpose for the creation of man was for man to be in His image and likeness (Gen. 1:26). Everything else man was supposed to do was hinged on how well he reflected Him. Before Adam attained the full likeness of God, He sinned and was cast out of the presence of God. Ever since then, God has been active in reconciling man back to this original intent.

At the appearance of Jesus Christ, He lived out what it means to be like God. For the first time, man had a model to follow in becoming like Him. Though it has been the will of God for us to have His likeness, this wasn’t necessarily a command given to the Old Testament folks. This was because what is needed to become like God wasn’t available to them. But for us in the New Testament, we have been given the Holy Spirit, by which we can attain the full likeness of God. Therefore, His command to the Church is “Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect” (Matt. 5:48 KJV).

The command for us to be perfect means we are required to exhibit the nature of the Love of God without fault. As we know, God will not give us a command He has not empowered us to do. The power to be perfect (to be like God) comes from our fellowship with the Holy Spirit. The more time we spend fellowshipping with the Holy Spirit, the more we are empowered to exhibit His nature of love to perfection.

Some time ago, after I had some challenges in a relationship God blessed me with, I asked God to help me to be more like Him. In a time of prayer, I saw a vision of myself making the request of being like God. However, instead of the statement “being like God”, I heard and saw myself saying “help me to speak in tongues more”. At this, I understood that the answer to my prayer to be more like God is for me to speak in tongues more.

As we spend time speaking in tongues, we receive the empowerment to be like Him (Jude 1:20). This should be a continuous practice, as we are building ourselves up, rising in the spirit, and growing up into Him (Jude 1:20, Eph. 4:15).

Prayer Point.

Let’s thank God for His word today. Let’s ask Him to help the body of Christ to pray in tongues more.




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