The One God Exalts Part 2

Call To Prayer

Title: The One God Exalts Part 2

By: Daniel Peter

Date: 06.05.2023


He sat down, called the twelve disciples over to him, and said, โ€œWhoever wants to be first must take last place and be the servant of everyone else.โ€ย Mark 9:35 NLT


In my last contribution to the Call to Prayer, I highlighted humbling ourselves and becoming obedient to the Father as the way to receive exaltation in the Kingdom. This was exemplified by Jesus Christ when He went to the cross to die for our sins at the Father’s request. Today, I am going to help us see that the heart posture of humility and obedience is not one that is demonstrated towards God only, but also towards men.

While Jesus walked with the disciples on earth, there was a time the disciples had an argument about who will be the greatest among them (Mark 9:33-34). Each one wanted to be exalted over the others, for they all desired to be first. Now, the first position is the leader’s position, while the last position is the servant’s position. When Jesus heard their argument, His response was not to rebuke their desire to be the greatest, rather, He showed them how.

In His speech to them, Jesus mentioned that any who desired to be first should become the last. By saying this, He was introducing service to them. In a household, the position of the servant is the least, and everyone in the house can command the servant. In fact, the reason the servant is in the house is to do whatever he or she is commanded. This is the kind of attitude that God looks out for in us when choosing who to exalt (The heart of a servant).

Jesus Christ demonstrated this attitude when with the disciples. For despite He was their leader (the first), and God had committed all things to Him, He humbled himself to wash the feet of the disciples, which was a job for servants (John 13: 1-17). Therefore, if you want to be exalted, thrive to be last and God will exalt you to be first. And this attitude should be towards all (to those older or younger than us)

Prayer Point:

Let’s thank God for His word today. Let’s ask Him to give us the heart of a servant, so we can humble ourselves to serve others.


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