Do Not Lose Jesus

Date: 10.03.2021

Title: Do Not Lose Jesus

Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son.
(2Jn 1:9 KJV)

Some years ago in the beautiful country of Poland, I was driving with a family and a friend to another city for Church service. Sitting behind with this friend, she asked, which gift of the Holy Spirit do you have? I answered ‘the gifts of healing’. Not impressed with my answer, she spoke, to compare, of another lady that had the gift of interpretation of tongues. As soon as she said that, I discerned the voice of God in my heart saying โ€˜you have Godโ€™. For many years now, I have pondered on that revelation.

Todayโ€™s message is not about the gifts of the Holy Spirit, but something more, itโ€™s about God, who is the giver of the gifts. Being sons of God means we are heirs of Him, and this inheritance is Himself (Romans 8:17). Again, Ephesians 3: 18&19 revealed the possibility of being filled with the fullness of God, which is attained by knowing and comprehending the full dimensions of the love of Christ.

You may ask, what is the implication of having God? The implication is that all things are yours, which include all God is and has (1Cor. 3:21). Again, nothing is impossible for you: for if you have him, and you are conscious of the fact that He is with you, then Matthew 19:26 can be fulfilled in your life. Those who have God can manifest all the attributes of God they see of Him from scriptures, which includes the nine gifts of the Holy Spirits. This reality is true for every believer who has grown into spiritual maturity and walk in their authority as sons of God.

Nevertheless, having God also means you can lose God. This will be when you stop believing the Truth of the Gospel and stop walking in love (which is His doctrine/commandment) as our scriptural verse of today revealed (See also: 2John1:7&8). The solution to this possibility is for you to abide in Him through His Word. I.e. daily meditating on the word of God and doing it (2John1:9).

Prayer Point:

Letโ€™s ask God to help believers to realize the benefit of abiding in the secret place with Him. Let Him pour in us a desire for His word that surpasses every other desire in our lives.

If this has blessed you, Please share this devotional with your friends and family so they will be blessed too. God bless you all.


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