A blessing or a thorn

Call To Prayer

Title: A blessing or a thorn

By: Njuacha Hubert

Date: 08/07/2023


and said, โ€œI swear by myself, declares the Lord, that because you have done this and have not withheld your son, your only son, I will surely bless you and make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as the sand on the seashore. Your descendants will take possession of the cities of their enemies, and through your offspring all nations on earth will be blessed, because you have obeyed me.โ€ย  ย  Genesis 22:16-18


From the opening verse a truth or pattern about God is revealed; When we obey God, blessings are released to us, our descendants and the society. Conversely, when we disobey God, not only do we suffer, but our family and the society. Notice what God said “through your offspring all nations on earth will be blessed, because you have obeyed meโ€.ย  We all know that the offspring through whom all the nations are blessed is Jesus. Since God specifically said “because you have obeyed me” it means that Jesus Christ’s opportunity to bless the nations had a very strong dependence on Abraham’s obedience. So without Abraham’s obedience, where on earth would we be?

When pondering over another verse Exodus 20:5-6. The thought of Jacob came to mind. Jacob’s actions like exploiting his brother’s weakness to gain his birthright, disguising to steal his brother’s blessings, or discriminating among his wives and then extending that discrimination over to the children of the wives were not necessarily in line with God’s commands. Could it be then, that the slavery of Israel in Egypt other than for the purpose of showing forth the glory of God to all nations was as a result of Jacob’s sins (430 years is about 3 or 4 generations). That after they had been punished because of Jacob’s sins they were again brought out because of the remembrance of Abraham’s obedience. Just thinking !

However we see clearly from scripture how people’s obedience to God brought a blessing to their families and their society. Because Joseph obeyed God by not sleeping with Potipher’s wife he passed through a route that saw him end up as prime minister of Egypt and save not only his father’s household but all the nations at the time (Genesis 41:54).

Today you’re a student and the lord is asking you to abstain and it feels difficult sometimes but be encouraged because while avoiding immorality you will have more time for studies and become a renowned and God fearing Doctor, making your family proud and saving many lives. On one hand, God is also merciful and by this we don’t always get what we deserve. On the other hand many are operating at a far lower level than what God had planned for them if only they had obeyed God. The amazing part of God’s mercy is that He is eager to restore us if we return to Him and start afresh to walk in obedience(Hosea 6:1). Through His son Jesus Christ, His grace is available to help you grow gradually in that obedience that will bless you, your generations and the society.


Prayer Point:ย 

Let’s thank God for His word today. Let’s pray we find grace to obey God’s commands so that we are blessings and not thorns.


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