A man’s gifts

Call To Prayer

Title: A man’s gifts

By: Owusu Clifford S.

Date: 24/09/2022


A manโ€™s gift makes room for him,
And brings him before great men.ย  Proverbs 18:16


Everybody wishes to be successful in life, there are no two ways about that. In whatever endeavour we embark on, we wish to do well, make an impact and in the end leave behind a good name. God, the master planner, knowing this, embedded in each human some unique abilities that make a person stand out, and they are called gifts. Today, if we mention Lionel Messi or Cristiano Ronaldo, one thing comes to mind, football. However, the underlying factor is not football but their talents (gifts). They are known for what they have accomplished through their gifts.

In today’s message and subsequent messages, I will be focusing on the importance of gifts using some Bible characters as a point of focus. In our verse for today, we read two main effects of gifts: open doors and access to great men. The personality we are focusing on today is David. Before anything, it is worth emphasising that the thing that opened the palace door to David was not the anointing, but his gift (his ability to skillfully and masterfully play the harp). Though David was anointed king already and God had rejected Saul, it was David’s gift that gave him access to the palace (1st Samuel 16:18). When he entered Saul’s service, he learned about the palace, built a strong bond with Jonathan that saved his life later on.

Often, we Christians focus more on our spiritual gifts to the neglect of our talents and abilities. We must work on both. Most believers are poor not because God does not care but because they have refused to work on the gifts God has given them that will bring them financial prosperity. If you do not sing, who would know you know how to sing? If you do not write who would know you are a gifted writer? It all starts with a step, and God will do the rest. Let us be encouraged to work on our gifts so that the blessings of God will manifest through them. May we be blessed!

Prayer Point:

Let us thank God for the answers to our prayers. Let us pray for the grace to identify and utilise the various gifts God has embedded in us.


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