A New Chapter

Call To Prayer

Title: A New Chapter

By: Wale Lasisi

Date: 22.12.2022


The former treatise have I made, O Theophilus, of all that Jesus began both to do and teach. (Acts 1:1 KJV)


The parable of the nobleman who gave his ten servants ten pounds to trade till he comes had different phases of reference in the way it played out but focusing specifically on the reward phase, the one that gained ten pounds was rewarded with ten cities (Luke 19:17). Humanly speaking, he was only meant to be given a percentage as “commission” from the profit he made for his master but instead, he was made ruler over ten cities. This reward far outweighs the effort of the faithful servant but God used His supremacy and turned a new chapter in his life and made him a ruler because he traded well with the gift he was given.

There are gifting and graces in the life of every believer which is in the first chapter or treatise of our walk with God. Every gift adequately tended is designed to open not just doors (Pro. 18:16) but new pages and chapters if done with diligence and consistency.

A new page was turned in the life of Joseph because he did not hide the gift of God upon his life but used it for all that needed it and God in return launched him into rulership. The same thing happened to Daniel in Babylon which was meant to be a land of captivity, but he ended up as a ruler in a strange land because he was diligent with the gift of God upon his life.

We must ponder and take account of the giftings of God in our lives to see if God is profiting from it because if He is, a new chapter and an upgrade definitely await. Just like Dr. Luke wrote a new treatise or chapter to the most excellent Theophilus because he perceived he was due for an upgrade in his walk with God, the Lord also comes with something new to increase us. So, are you using your gifts dutifully in service to God for the good of mankind or are you burying them?


Prayer point:
Let us thank God for the word today. Letโ€™s pray for the grace to be faithful servants indeed and not bury any gift meant for Godโ€™s profiting.

God bless you!



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