A New Dimension the Spirit

Call To Prayer

Title: A New Dimension the Spirit

By: Daniel Peter

Date:ย 07.01.2023


But he turned, and rebuked them, and said, Ye know not what manner of spirit ye are ofย ย Luke 9:55 KJV


Every activity of God is preceded by the move of the Holy Spirit. Shortly before He spoke things to being at creation, the scriptures recorded that “the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters (Gen. 1:2)”. The dimension of God’s Spirit that is released in a particular season is determined by what He God intends to do.

The word dimension as used in this article means “aย partย orย qualityย of a thing orย situationย that has anย effectย on the way youย think about it”. This means, “A New Dimension of the Spirit is a new operation of the Spirit of God whose effect in the life of people is quite distinct from other dimensions experienced”. To understand that there are different dimensions of the Holy Spirit, let’s consider the various dimensions of the Spirit the disciples of Jesus Christ received. During His earthly ministry,ย  in Luke 10:19, Jesus Christ imparted the disciples with authority and power (an effect of the Holy Spirit) on the disciples, which they needed to fulfill a particular mission while Jesus was on earth.

However, another dimension of the Holy Spirit was given to the disciples after Jesus Christ resurrected from the dead: “he breathed onย them, and saith unto them, Receive ye the Holy Ghost (John 20:22)”. Again, the disciples received yet another dimension of His spirit when they were assembled at the upper room at Pentecost: “And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance (Acts 2:2)“. We see, each fill of the Holy Spirit the disciples received were distinct and the effect on them was different. Though I used the disciples of Jesus during and shortly after His earthly ministry as a case study, there are records of the infilling of the spirit before and after the stated events.

Now, what dimension of the Holy Spirit has been released, and what is the Lord doing? The Lord has decreed the building of Africa, who God has ordained to be the leader of the nations in this End Time. He is doing this to bear witness to the power of the Gospel. To bring about this vision of a developed Africa that is United, the Lord has poured out a New Dimension of the Spirit on chosen vessels who He will be using for this work.

Prayer Point:

Let’s thank God for the word today. Let’s ask Him to fill us afresh with His Spirit and He should find us worthy for His New Move.


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