A personal relationship with God II


By: Njuacha Hubert

Date: 02.05.2022

Title: A personal relationship with God II


โ€œMy mother and brothers are those who hear Godโ€™s word and put it into practice.โ€ Luke 8:21


Last week we started this topic on having a personal relationship with God. Today we will continue the topic further with how to have a personal relationship with God. ย 

Letโ€™s ask ourselves how do we establish a relationship among ourselves. I think we all agree that a solid and genuine relationship requires intentionality, time and effort from both parties. There must beย intentionality from both parties about the growth of theย relationship. Put plainly the relationship has to matter for both parties. This drives the efforts; the sacrifices you make because you want to sustain that relationship. I think without this constant intentionality, constant drive, the relationship willย indeed grow cold or stale. We need to make out time to be with the other person for the relationship to grow. For as we spend time together, we learn aboutย each other and we know each other better. Take note it is not time (theย constant factor) but the time spent interacting together. Experiences are also gained while spending time together that create more bonds.ย ย 

Now letโ€™s relate this to our relationship with the father, with Jesus, with the holy spirit. We certainly should be intentional about our relationship with God. It should matter to us. It should be as important as it is your relationship with any loved one you can think of. We must make out time to spend getting to know God. Spending time on His word (Bible). The more you know the word the more you realize how amazing He truly is. The more your understanding of God is wholesome. We also get access to the word from other people, breaking it down for us. So thatโ€™s one of the reasons communities are important, or churches, or pastors or priests or preachers. After all Jesus said where two or more are gathered in my name, I am in their midst (Mathew 18:20). Making effort in our relationship with God includesย  prayer and obedience to God. On the part of God, He is faithful but yet merciful because He really tries to make this relationship work. Through prayer we remind God that we still trust in Him and through obedience we remind God that we are still His servants; His sons. โ€œFor as many as are led by the spirit of God they are the sons of Godโ€. Again, in Luke 8:21, after Jesus was told his mothers and brother had come and wanted to see Him, He said โ€œMy mother and my brothers are those who hear the word of God and do it.โ€ What Jesus was saying here is, relationship with Him is not by familiarity alone ( e.g church goer, Christian for 30 years) but by obedience. ย 

In summary, to build any relationship requires intentionality, time and effort and with God is no different. To build our relationship with God it must be prioritized and followed up with consistent effort in absorbingย the word of God through personal reading and listening to other preachers. We must make out time for prayer and involve God in our daily lives. And be ready to receive directions and not only miracles. ย 

Prayer Point:

Lets us thank God we are alive today to read His word. Let’s pray for the grace to love Him with all our hearts, mind and soul for He deserves it. He not only created us but loves us.


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