Abide in Christ to be Fruitful


Date: 14.03.2021

Title: Abide in Christ to be Fruitful

I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing

(John 15:5 KJV)

The Greek word used here for Fruit is โ€œKarposโ€ which can be translated as, โ€œthat which originates or comes from something, an effect, result etc.โ€ Fruit is often used in the Bible to describe the produce of our lives which can be good or bad. Thatโ€™s why our Lord Jesus taught us in Matthew 7:21 that we can know False prophets by their Fruits (Karpos). However, as Christians who have the Spirit of God living inside us, God desires that we bear much good Fruits. Some examples of the Fruits that the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives produce are love, joy, peace, answered prayer, etc. (John 15:7,11, Gal 5:22-24, 2 Peter 1:5-8). Simply put, being fruitful is becoming more like Christ (Rom 8:29). It is important to note that being fruitful include but not limited to soul winning and preaching of the Gospel!

How therefore can we be fruitful as Christians? Jesus is here showing us the way which is to abide in Him. The Greek word used for โ€œabidethโ€ in this verse is โ€œmenoโ€ which means, โ€œto stay (in a given place), continue to be present, etc.โ€œ Jesus is the Tree and believers all around the world are the branches. From Basic Science, we learnt that a branch that is not firmly attached to the plant cannot receive the nutrients that flow from the roots to all parts of the plant and will at the end die. In the same way, as we constantly and consistently spend more time in the presence of God through studying His word, meditating on the word and prayers, we receive the necessary nutrients to grow(spiritually), and we are being changed to become more like Christ(2 Cor 3:18).

When we bear much Fruits God is Glorified. The main goal of every farmer is to have a bountiful harvest. Thatโ€™s why they put in a lot of effort and carry out the necessary activities; weeding, pruning, applying fertilizer, irrigation etc. ย and constantly nurture each tiny Plant and prepare it to blossom. What a moment of joy for the farmer when his plants bear good fruits and the plentiful harvest is brought into the barns. ย In the same way, God (Farmer) has given us His only begotten Son Jesus, Holy Spirit, corrects and purifies us through His Word, and disciplines us so that we can be Fruitful. This farming analogy shows how God is glorified when people come into a right relationship with him and begin to produce much fruit in their lives.

Prayer Point:

Letโ€™s pray for God to give each member in the body of Christ the understanding on how to be fruitful and grant us the hunger and thirst for His word, and the desire to spent time in His presence.

If this has blessed you, Please share this Call to Prayer with your friends and family so they will be blessed too.ย 

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