Access to the Secret Things of God

Call To Prayer

Title: Access to the Secret Things of God

By: Daniel Peter

Date: 20.09.2023


The secret things belong to the LORD our God, but the things which are revealed and disclosed belong to us and to our children forever, so that we may do all of the words of this law Deuteronomy 29:29 AMP

The secret of the Lord is with those who fear Him, And He will show them His covenant. Psalms 25:14 NKJV


Some years ago, the Lord, with two of His Angels visited me. He told me “there are people I love, I show them all I create“. Then I understood that it was His will for us to know the creations of God. God finds pleasure in His creation, for the Bible records “... you created all things, and for your pleasure they were created and exist (Rev. 4:11 TPT)“. This pleasure of God also includes showing His children His creation. But these things are secrets, and only a select few have access to them.

After Moses gave the children of Israel the law, in order for them to know the sufficiency of scriptures, he said “The secret things belong to the LORD our God, but the things which are revealed and disclosed belong to us and to our children forever, so that we may do all of the words of this law (Deu. 29:29 AMP)”. His speech revealed that there are “Secret Things“, and there are “Revealed things“. The “Revealed Things” are things written and understood from scriptures, but the “Secret Things” are things not necessarily written but part of God’s creations. So the scripture is sufficient, but not all there is in God.

In one of His Psalms, David wrote “The Secret of the Lord is with those who fear Him… (Psalm 25:14)“. And the fear of the Lord is manifested when we obey His instructions (Gen. 23:12). Therefore, the revelation of the secrets of God is a reward for obeying the voice of God. We access the secrets of God by obedience.

A few years ago, I had to make a decision about my location. After considering my options, I chose based on the revelation of God, though it was not convenient. After I made this decision, I noticed increase in visions, especially seeing scriptures. However, one of those days, the Lord visited me, and he held my hands and lifted me up. Though I was still in my room, I was moving up different dimensions. As we moved, I noticed there were several worlds within this present earth with replicas of humans in them. Almost as though every possibility imagined in this present world exists in another realm within this earth. After showing me this and other things, He indicated to me that the future can be predicted from the events of the past (Eccl. 3:14-17).

Though we do not depend on our ability to obey God but on His grace, there are rewards for obedience and one of them is the revelation of the secrets of God.

Prayer Point

Let’s thank God for His word today. Let’s ask Him to help us access the Secret of God.


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