Accessing Grace

Call to Prayer

Title: Accessing Grace

By: Daniel Peter

Date: 21.06.2023


And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. 2 Corinthians 9:8 NIV


In the past days, we have been understanding God’s mind about righteousness. We have come to see that it is a gift, and the extent to which we can manifest the gift of righteousness we have received is a function of grace rather than personal effort. Now, how do we access this grace?

Firstly, the grace for the manifestation of the righteous nature of God that we have received comes as we grow in our knowledge of God (2 Peter 3:18, 2 Peter 1:3). One of the means by which we grow in our knowledge is by meditation. As we meditate upon the word, we get to see Jesus through the things written in scriptures. The more we see and understand His ways, grace will be given to us to conform to the nature of Christ (2 Cor. 3:18).

Secondly, prayer is a means by which we obtain grace to manifest the gift of righteousness. Some time ago, I asked God to help me be more like Christ. His response to me was that I should spend more time praying in tongues. What meditating on the word does to your spirit is the same thing praying in tongues does: it builds you up (Acts 20:32,Jude 1:20). Apart from praying in tongues, you can simply ask God to help you in the area you struggle. Again, frequent fasting helps put your flesh under and makes you more sensitive to God.

Furthermore, declaring what God has said concerning you despite your weaknesses imparts the grace to manifest His righteousness. For example, there were some recent converts who were addicted to smoking. Knowing smoking is not the best representation of Christ, they met their pastor for help. Their pastor told them that the next time they smoke, they should keep saying to themselves that they are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. As they did, with time they lost the appetite for smoking.

Finally, the consciousness that God is with you imparts grace for you to say no to sin and do what is pleasing to God. This was what Joseph had and he was able to say no to Portipher’s wife advances (Gen. 39:9).

Prayer Point:

Let’s thank God for His word today. Let’s ask for His help to grow in grace so we can manifest the gift of righteousness that we have received.


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