Acknowledging His Faithfulness

Call To Prayer

Title: Acknowledging His faithfulness

By: Wale Lasisi

Date: 11.08.2022


Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name. (Psalm 100:4 KJV)


The culture of gratitude is one that we cannot afford to let go as children of the most high. It should be woven deep into us as part of our DNA. There is the tendency to trivialise the many help and support we get everyday from the King of kings. Sometimes, we even wake up and just feel it is normal and just go about our daily business without acknowledging the owner who made the day (Ps 118:24).

I discovered that genuine thanksgiving rises from the heart. We are first grateful in our hearts and it is the overflow of gratefulness that comes out of the lips as thanksgiving. When the lame man that sat by the gate called beautiful was healed, we saw an expression of intense gratitude issuing out of his heart in that he was leaping and walking and praising God(Acts 3:2-8). He couldnโ€™t hold back his joy because his heart was full of gratitude and he left where he used to be at the gate entrance and came into the temple to express his joy to the Lord.

God is a Spirit and we must align and connect with Him with our spirit to give Him acceptable worship (Jn 4:24). Therefore, whenever we come to Him to give thanks, we must endeavour to journey into His presence with our spirit and not be in a distant location in the flesh. We have to be empty of self to truly appreciate the magnitude of His help. No wonder the prophet came to a clear understanding in the book of Lamentations 3:22-23 that his mercies and compassion are new every morning.

Abraham our Father, gave thanks for the promises of God not yet seen over his life because he was fully persuaded of the ability and magnitude of the one who made the promise to him(Rom. 4:20-21). Are there promises God has made to you concerning your life and destiny? It is a wise thing to continue to give thanks and bless His holy name for the fulfilment of such promises and the able God who did not disappoint Abraham will bring it to pass in due time. A lifestyle of thanksgiving and praise opens up the heaven over us for the King to display His majesty in our affairs.


Prayer point:

Letโ€™s thank God for the word and answers to our prayers. Let us pray that God will give unto us a grateful heart that will continually give thanks and sing His praise forevermore.

God bless you!


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